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Mud: The Latest Architecture and News

In 4 Days, 100 Volunteers Used Mud and Reeds To Build This Community Center in Mexico

Developed by architects from Colectivo bma in Barranca de Huentitán, Guadalajara, Mexico, this new building for the Mexican Institute for Community Development (IMDEC) was built in just four days with the help of 100 volunteers.

The new facility includes both housing and meeting space, and was constructed using local building techniques and materials. Built with a concrete base, the walls were made using bahareque (reed frames and mud) and woven reed lattices that cover most of the building’s exterior.

Learn more about the construction process after the break. 

In 4 Days, 100 Volunteers Used Mud and Reeds To Build This Community Center in Mexico - SustainabilityIn 4 Days, 100 Volunteers Used Mud and Reeds To Build This Community Center in Mexico - SustainabilityIn 4 Days, 100 Volunteers Used Mud and Reeds To Build This Community Center in Mexico - SustainabilityIn 4 Days, 100 Volunteers Used Mud and Reeds To Build This Community Center in Mexico - SustainabilityIn 4 Days, 100 Volunteers Used Mud and Reeds To Build This Community Center in Mexico - More Images+ 48

Mud Structure / Architecture for Humanity Tehran - Rai Studio

Mud Structure / Architecture for Humanity Tehran - Rai Studio - Image 20 of 4
© Mahsa Masoudi

The exploratory mud structure project, designed and built by Architecture for Humanity Tehran (Rai Studio) + Architecture Faculty of Razi University, demonstrates a strong focus on humanitarian design through sustainable and low budget construction methodologies. The workshop not only provided the students with an enriched academic experience, but the opportunity to reach out to an underdeveloped region. More images and their description after the break.