The Importance of Privacy in Open-Plan Offices

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Frank Lloyd Wright first came up with the concept of the open-plan office in 1906, in the Larkin Building in Buffalo, New York, United States. The innovative nature of this approach, at the beginning of the 20th century, contrasted with the norm of closed offices and probably stunned those who first used it. Fast-forwarding to the 1950s, the concept of an open-plan office –Bürolandschaft or Office landscape– originated in Germany, with the objective of eliminating spatial hierarchy through shared spaces. The architects strategically designed the office layout to improve communication and teamwork, removing solid barriers and replacing rows of desks with work areas that were organized based on functions and workflows, with a mentality aligned with the precepts of the time, especially related to the European post-war reconstruction effort.

Creating Vertical Gardens and Green Facades with Steel Cables

With the high population density of cities and voracious appetite of the market for every square meter, it is not uncommon for urban vegetation to be forgotten. For this reason, forests, vegetable gardens, and vertical gardens have aroused much interest and figured into a variety of different innovative proposals. Using the vertical plane to maintain plants in an urban setting is a coherent and common-sense solution, especially when there is little possibility of bringing green to the level of the people on the streets.

What Materials Can Promote Health in Interior Architecture?

Recent statistics suggest that if someone lives until they are 80, around 72 of those years will be spent inside buildings. This makes sense if we bear in mind that, when not at home, humans are working, learning or engaging in fun activities mostly in enclosed, built settings. Contemplating current events, however, this number is expected to grow. In an increasingly chaotic and uncertain world, marked by the ongoing effects of climate change and the global pandemic, the desire to stay indoors in a protected, controlled and peaceful environment is stronger than ever. Architects face an important challenge: to create comfortable, productive and healthy interiors with well-regulated parameters, considering factors like indoor air quality, daylighting and biophilic features from the initial stages of design. Of course, this involves choosing materials sensitively and accordingly, whether it be by avoiding certain health-harming components or by integrating non-toxic products that soothe and promote wellness.

How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint Through Architecture? Three Approaches Across the Building Lifecycle

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Architecture encompasses multiple processes, starting with identifying needs and transforming them into habitable structures through thoughtful design. Historically, construction-related processes like resource extraction and end-of-life disposal were often overlooked. However, it is essential to recognize that buildings have a lifecycle with significant impacts on carbon emissions. Emphasizing sustainable practices is vital to minimize our ecological footprint and positively impact the planet.

Building Hope Through Design: Journeyman International's Innovative Approach to Humanitarian Architecture

Throughout history, architecture has always been associated with the elite and the wealthiest echelons of society, who commissioned sumptuous buildings to satisfy their aesthetic and functional needs. This trend dates back to ancient civilizations: Egyptian pharaohs built pyramids and impressive temples, Roman emperors erected magnificent amphitheaters and palaces. Architecture was, and often still is, a symbol of power and prestige. Over time, the profession expanded to encompass various types of buildings and audiences, from simple residences to public and commercial structures, and the advancement of technology and construction techniques made it more accessible in terms of costs. However, inequality in access to high-quality architecture still prevails, especially in underdeveloped countries or socially vulnerable contexts. Many regions face serious housing, infrastructure, and urban planning problems due to a lack of resources and adequate investments, with poor construction conditions, slum areas, a lack of basic sanitation, and unsafe buildings.

Sound Off, Color On: 4 Creative Ways to Integrate Colorful Acoustic Panels in Interiors

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There’s something about the saturated hues of blossoming springtime flowers and the fiery, warm tones of a sunset descending upon a cityscape that brings us joy. Humans crave color. In fact, we’ve been fascinated by them since the beginning of our existence. So much so that everything from the color of our clothes to the brightly illuminated pixels on this screen is an attempt to recreate –and enhance– the vibrant shades present in nature, finding in them a source of inspiration and vitality. Our brains are wired to link colors with sensations and experiences: the lush greens of a forest evoke feelings of tranquility and renewal, while the deep blues of the ocean stir a sense of mystery and adventure. It is this ability to elicit emotion that makes colors an invaluable tool for architects and designers –and which also explains why trends are moving away from the once-reigning neutral minimalism towards a more maximalist aesthetic that embraces pops of color, dimension and playful texture.  

Sliding Pocket Doors Can Help Save Space and Optimize Small Interiors

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As urban areas around the world continue to experience population growth and increasing demand for housing, the land available for development is becoming both more limited and expensive. In large urban centers, many people deliberately choose the convenience and efficiency of compact living spaces in exchange for the benefits of city life, such as proximity to work, amenities, and cultural attractions. For others, however, the need to live in small spaces is a reality imposed by circumstances. In order to make construction feasible and increase urban density, builders and developers end up significantly reducing the size of rooms in homes, occasionally compromising the quality of life of those who live there. This has led to the adoption of various creative strategies to improve the efficiency of reduced interior spaces and provide greater comfort for occupants.

The Beachside House: A Case Study of Vernacular-Inspired Architecture Using Modern Materials

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Each architectural style intrinsically relates to a specific context, period, or place. An illustrative example is the region of the United States, which was strongly influenced by the period of British colonization in the Americas (17th-18th centuries). In this context, dwellings emerged that adopted a distinctive architectural language. Moreover, the large distances between major cities in many areas of the country had a significant impact on the configuration of domestic architecture, resulting in the inclusion of barns and other structures that served various functions in addition to housing. This architectural style is characterized by its rectangular floor plan, two-story structures, gable roofs, and wooden cladding on the facade. These elements constitute an integral part of the vernacular expression of the houses from that time.

A New Chameleonic Façade to Protect Illueca Health Centre

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The small town of Illueca lies in a rift valley, flanked by the massifs of the Sierra de la Virgen and Sierra de la Camamila mountain ranges, which run close to the Moncayo Nature Reserve (Zaragoza, Spain). It is in this setting that Permán & Franco Architects Studio have built a primary-care health center, with a distinctive design and ventilated façade by Faveker.

What Is a Passive Building and How Can It Contribute to Decarbonizing Architecture?

Sustainable construction certifications can play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by establishing solid criteria to foster ecologically responsible practices in the construction industry. They not only give public visibility to industry-accepted standards and monitor performance, ensuring compliance with regulations, but also stimulate the reduction of negative environmental impacts while rewarding buildings that fulfill strict sustainability standards. By establishing higher levels of excellence in projects and constructions, these certifications influence the evolution of construction codes, training professionals, and even changing corporate strategies.

The Beauty of Porcelain Tiles for Pool Design

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Archaeological findings suggest that the Great Bath of Mohenjo-Daro, the "oldest public water tank in the world," was constructed during the 3rd millennium BC. The significance of this impressive millennia-old structure is unknown, but it is generally believed to be linked to some form of purification ritual of the mysterious Harappan Civilization in the Indus Valley —the first civilization to develop urban planning. Indeed, throughout history, water has consistently captivated human fascination, from ancient ceremonial practices to the modern leisure and sports pools we see today. Whether situated indoors or outdoors, these structures represent a fusion of architectural design and landscape. However, it's no secret that establishing, operating, and maintaining pools involve substantial financial commitments. Every phase of the construction process, from the initial foundations to the meticulous steps of waterproofing, plastering, tiling, and the intricate installation of mechanical and electrical systems, requires significant investment and attention to detail. Therefore, the use of top-tier materials, cutting-edge technical equipment, and the highest level of skill is not merely advisable but absolutely essential.

Multi-Purpose Design: Hybrid Spaces for a Sustainable Future

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Similar to a chameleon that changes color to blend in with its environment, architecture must constantly evolve and adapt to changing demands. A few decades ago, homes used to be associated solely with private life and rest, while workspaces were exclusively designed for just that: work. It was common for each use to be separated into its own room, making enclosed, rigid spaces the standard norm for architects to follow. That is, of course, until new living and working patterns blurred these boundaries to respond to contemporary trends.

Customizable Bathroom Fittings With Re-Purposed and Crystal Glass Materials

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In addition to contributing to the functionality of the space, bathroom fittings underlie the overall aesthetics of a chosen design style. Within their technical features –as well as the possible materials, finishes, and styles–, fittings play a role in both the visual appeal of a space, while also focusing on comfort and user experience. This is part of Dornbracht's continuous re-imagination of bathrooms as living spaces, in which the brand seeks to create innovative solutions based on proportion, precision, progressiveness, performance, and personality.

Balancing Neoclassical and Futuristic Design: The Utopian Dream Bathroom Concept

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Nowadays, the term “utopia” is used to describe an idea that seems unattainable —at least in the contemporary context— intrinsically related to philosophical, scientific, urbanistic, and architectural concepts, among others. The close connection between utopias and architecture is evident, as this discipline is often associated with imagination. Some notable examples include “The Unreliable Utopia of Auroville's Architecture” and “The City in Space: A Utopia by Ricardo Bofill. In this context, architects and designers alike use design as a means to develop innovative and disruptive ideas through various elements.

More Glass, More Light: Solarlux’s cero IV Sliding Window System

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Living spaces framed solely by glass, whether in the city or the countryside, are a long-cherished architectural dream to which various architectural monuments already bear witness. First and foremost, there's Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who blurred the lines between inside and out with modern steel constructions and large-scale glass facades that stage absolute space. Anyone strolling through the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin will sense the light-footedness and transparent generosity of this idea in all its glory.

Building Walls with Demolition Waste: The Poetry of Cyclopean Concrete

Ancient cyclopean walls were built by overlapping raw stones, supported one on the other, without the use of mortar. The name derives from the Cyclops, the giants of Greek mythology, as their construction required seemingly superhuman effort due to the weight and difficulty of lifting and fitting each wall piece. Cyclopic concrete, in turn, mixes this ancient constructive technique with contemporary materials and techniques. What sets it apart from traditional concrete is essentially the size of the coarse aggregate, which is traditionally composed of stones but can also include brick or concrete remains. Our Projects section includes examples of this constructive technique, which, unlike the cyclopes, clearly carries traces of the workers who built it. We talked to Rafic Jorge Farah, from São Paulo Criação Office, about his experience with this technique in recent works.