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Island: The Latest Architecture and News

Open Call: LA+ IMAGINATION Design Ideas Competition

Paradisiacal, utopian, dystopian, heterotopian – islands hold an especially enigmatic and beguiling place in our geographical imagination. Existing in juxtaposition to what’s around them, islands are figures of otherness and difference. Differentiated from their contexts and as much myth as reality, islands have their own rules, their own stories, their own characters, their own ecologies, their own functions, and their own forms.

The LA+ IMAGINATION design ideas competition asks you to design a new island. You can locate it anywhere in the world, program it any way you want, and give it any form and purpose you can imagine.

Works of India

Works of India is an archive of drawings, sketches, artefacts, models, tools and pictures collected and made during two and a half years of life and work. The collection arises as necessity to document the relation between human, natural and built landscape to portray a frame for a way of life in India.

The selected material articulates in six environments which reflects upon the relation between man and nature, god and matter, a certain sacrality which is embedded during the act of creation and a sort of deep rooted understanding in the way of making and building.

AD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto

Occupying the center of a small farming town in Finland, Säynätsalo’s Town Hall might appear almost too monumental for its context. Designed by Alvar Aalto in 1949, the town hall is a study in opposition: elements of classicism and the monumental blended with modernity and intimacy to form a cohesive new center-point for the community. These and other aspects of the design initially proved somewhat divisive, and the Town Hall has not been without controversy since its inception.

AD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - Retail , Facade, Door, Beam, Handrail, Lighting, Chair, TableAD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - Retail , Garden, Stairs, FacadeAD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - Retail , BeamAD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - Retail , FacadeAD Classics: Säynätsalo Town Hall / Alvar Aalto - More Images+ 8