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helsinkizurich: The Latest Architecture and News

Playful Hospitality Spaces Designed for Gamers of All Ages and Eras

The main purpose of public houses and eateries is to provide customers – both individuals and groups – with an environment and an atmosphere in which to release the stresses of their day or week so far, either with a quiet drink in a quiet corner, or in larger, more social groups.

Even before COVID brought with it more permanent closing times, the rise of on-demand TV and food delivery services meant that staying ‘in-in’ –with the comforting embrace of their pillow just a short hike up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire– was becoming a more popular choice. Perhaps it’s no surprise, then, to see the growing emergence of establishments that offer more active entertainment than a quiz night and karaoke box.

Here are five examples of bars and restaurants designed for life’s players.