Fredericia: The Latest Architecture and News
Ultra Fast Charging Station for Electric Vehicles / Cobe
Cobe and CLEVER Team Up to Design New Electric Car Charging Stations / Cobe + CLEVER

In our modern day society where every minute counts, Danish architecture firm COBE, in collaboration with Danish automotive technology company, CLEVER, has designed a new modular ultra-fast charging station for electric vehicles. These stations will not only aim to reduce the typical 45-minute charging time but also serve as a place where drivers can relax.
Fredericia, Denmark Embellished by EASA 2017 Student Installations
In the summer of 2017, Fredericia, Denmark was touched by EASA [European Architecture Students Assembly]. The largest network of architecture students in Europe, EASA is a diverse community where the common language is architecture. The theme for EASA 2017 was: Hospitality - Finding the Framework. Hospitality was the foundation for the 30 different projects the groups of students worked on for two weeks.
The EASA community includes 500 students representing over 40 countries and 200 different architecture schools. Run by students, for students, EASA had an organizing board of 12 international architecture students this year who were chosen by EASA.