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How to Maximize Revit Importer

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The Revit Importer converts families and building elements to SketchUp’s native tags and components. It optimizes geometry creating a lightweight and well-organized SketchUp file that is ready-to-use.

Beauty Matters: Civilisation Could Not Exist Without the Experience of Beauty

Tallinn Architecture Biennale TAB 2019 catalogue "Beauty Matters" brings together the review of the biennale's main programme, introduces the participants and their participating projects. The catalogue is curated by TAB 2019 Head Curator Yael Reisner and edited by Rebecca Collings. With an interdisciplinary interest in beauty and its symbiotic relationship with architecture, TAB catalogue has different contributors from the disciplines of neuroscience, mathematics, philosophy and architecture, but all share the belief that beauty matters. The content reports on the fresh buds of new beauties and on the relevance of aesthetics in architecture.

Open Call: WARMING Competition




Our world is changing.

Imagine Miami Beach permanently underwater, hurricanes constantly clashing against Manhattan, devastating droughts in London, and heatwaves that render Barcelona unlivable.

A future like this currently occupies our imagination but inches closer to reality each day.

How will our built environment react to rising sea levels, extended droughts, climbing temperatures, and other symptoms of global warming? How can our buildings and cities prevent the severity of natural disasters, degrading air quality, melting ice caps, and climate change at large?

WARMING calls on students and professionals from


Cycling@Shanghai is an urban research book by Chinese architect Zhuo’er Wang. Starting from a brief bicycle history, the book systematically introduces the cycle infrastructure planning by comparative studies on the seven bike-friendly cities around the world, including Copenhagen, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, etc. After analyzing the current cycling conditions in Shanghai, the author proposes a specific urban planning strategy and presents the enormous potential that cycling can bring to the public space.

Pub Date:2019-06-01.
Publisher:Tongji University Press.

Advancing Computational Building Design 2020

Advancing Computational Building Design enables forward-thinking architects and engineers to accelerate their adoption of generative, digital design tools across their projects. You’ll hear how your peers are leveraging computation and iterative design processes to inform decision making and provide the power to clients to better visualize their future asset and drive collaborative relationships with designers.

Returning for its 4th year, ACBD is back and will be reuniting the AEC community in Denver to yet again provide the actionable insight required to allow computational design to expand and change the face of architecture.

Củ Chi Tunnels Restoration Report

In 1981 a Polish-Vietnamese heritage conservation mission gave an impulse to transforming the partisan tunnels of Củ Chi – into a symbol. The apparently technical task of securing fragments of this obscure construction, in fact constituted part of the process of adapting the history of Vietnam War to the preferences of a modern audience – one of the most important historical policy projects of that time. After all, the secrecy and inaccessibility of the corridor network determined the character of this reconstruction – initiating the process of replacing the material remains of the past with their models. As a matter

Public Lecture: Yusuke Obuchi, "Arms Race"

An arms race is on in the worlds of computation and architectural fabrication research. Robots with increasingly large, fast, and powerful capabilities are available and can produce outputs with military-grade precision. The assumption is that, through the use of these advanced tools, architects will advance the production of outputs — but can these tools be developed with traditional forms of human engagement still in mind? Robots are not particularly adaptive. They do not integrate changes with ease — at least, not yet. Humans, on the other hand, exhibit great capacity for adaptation but lack the precision of robots. How could

YoungArts Campus Tours

The iconic national headquarters of National YoungArts Foundation (YoungArts), formerly the Bacardi Buildings Complex, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the U.S. Department of the Interior in 2018. YoungArts acquired the landmark tower and museum buildings in October 2012 and has since converted the buildings into the YoungArts Campus, transforming it into a multidisciplinary arts institution while preserving its beloved structures. In celebration of this prestigious designation, YoungArts is opening its campus to tours, during which visitors can learn more about the unique architectural, historical and cultural significance of the buildings, and its adaptive reuse as

Designing Differently

An evening of inspirational talks from women who are designing differently. Whether that's combining design and another discipline, or using design to create social and environmental impact, or changing the design landscape for future generations.

At this International Women’s Day event we want to challenge stereotypes, broaden perceptions and celebrate women's achievements. Join us, and be inspired.


A weeknight event where we’ll hear from women carving out alternative and impactful careers in design, architecture and the built environment. The evening will be interactive, with brainstorming and networking.


We’ll use fast-paced presentations to drive discussion about the role of designers in a changing world,

ZAHA Degrees - Iceland, Reykjavik - Traveller's Pods And Carnival Centre

ZAHA is an Arabic word meaning clear, pure, beautiful, to blossom and to flow in all degrees like the nature does and have a language and a form which emerges as the most beautiful and the attractive one.

In this competition you are not allowed to use any right angles, just as the name suggests the clear and pure form, the lines and the form should flow marvelously.

Your imagination should travel in all the degrees but surely meet at one where the journey of the lines becomes a form which is a total bliss.


Publication: Top 20 winners will be published

Smart Garden

We are happy to announce the first open international competition “Smart Garden” in the field of architecture and landscape design.

The competition is aimed at supporting the new ideas in the field of landscape design and developing of the innovative technologies in creating a “smart” eco-garden that will improve urban environment.

Participants should propose a garden that would embody the best ideas for landscape design and be energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and beautiful for people.

An international jury will evaluate the works. The winners will get the possibility to demonstrate their works during the IX Festival of Gardens and Flowers in Moscow

AA/ITB Advanced Bamboo Design and Construction Summer Workshop

This 12 day design and construction workshop at the AA School in London, teaches a design process which synthesises computational design tools and materials with natural variability such as bamboo, informed though first-hand experience of the material and 1:1 scale bamboo construction.

We need to look at new sustainable, locally available natural materials for construction, and architects need to respond to this challenge and develop new processes to work with natural materials which ensure structural integrity and affordability.

The AA-ITB Bamboo Lab is a collaborative programme of the AA Visiting School and the Institut Teknologi Bandung which explores the fusion

MiG Prize 2020

MiG Prize 2020

The Context
The Michel Gelrubin Architecture Prize is designed to bring out new talents by giving
students an opportunity for international recognition.
The collaboration of famous architects and designers such as Jean Nouvel, Ora Ito, Philippe Maidenberg, Daniel Bismut, Kobi Karp, Jean Michel Wilmotte, Daniel Libeskind, Eran Neuman, Dafna Matok and Roy Kozlovaky inspires and motivates students to present their projects to these great names involved in contemporary architecture.

Open internationally, the Prize is awarded annually to honor students whose work
demonstrates a combination of vision and talent in the art of architecture and planning.

Founded in 2013 by Leslie and Samuel Gelrubin

[Webinar] The Big Reveal: How One Firm Built America's Tallest CLT Structure

Interested in building with Cross Laminated Timber, but unsure where to start?

Kaiser+Path designed, built and developed the tallest CLT building in America and they are revealing their entire process on the new website BuildingCarbon12.com in an effort to inspire others to use CLT —​ a material that is at least as strong and fire-resistant as concrete, more sustainable, and less polluting. Join Carbon12 architects as they reveal the ‘secret sauce’ for building with mass timber.

The presentation will include:

• Architectural and environmental benefits of mass timber
• Key challenges and how to avoid them
• Construction efficiencies and financial upsides

Open Call for Ideas: Workplaces for Tomorrow

Whether we are passionate about our work or just want to earn a living; whether we work for ourselves or for someone we’ll never meet; whether we work with our hands, our heart, or our mind; whether we work sitting down, standing up, inside, outside, during the day, at night, in a business suit or in a boiler suit: work plays a central role in all our lives.

In France, the service sector now accounts for more than 76% of jobs, compared to just 40% in the early 1960s. Agriculture and industry mechanized, then automated. Construction is likely to become automated

Sfera 2020: Biourbanism

SFERA 2020: BIOURBANISM is an international conference on building better cities using knowledge about the natural world around us.

SFERA 2020: BIOURBANISM is a conference in Tel Aviv that will bring together international innovators – urbanists, biologists, architects, programmers and designers, – to discuss how we can build better cities using knowledge about the natural world around us.

Not only is Tel Aviv an urban gem, but the inspiration for its unique design comes from nature. A biologist by education, Patrick Geddes was a revolutionary urban planner who incorporated ideas from natural sciences in Tel Aviv’s tree-laden boulevards, countless public gardens, and

Open Call for 24H Competition: 32nd Edition

Ideasforward it is an international platform for competitions that aims to connect ideas from different areas of society in order to help transform cities and make them increasingly self-sustaining, efficient and green.
We are looking for innovative ideas and new ways of thinking.
In a global emergency period, it is increasingly important that we think global.
This is the space
Here, you can try and experiment, everything is possible!

A place where the time limit is used to stimulate your creativity.
This contest aims to present 24-hour architectural responses to the problems affecting cities today and consecutively the world, with

Open Call: Cool Abu Dhabi Challenge

The Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT) of Abu Dhabi invites you to participate in a global creative ideas competition to improve outdoor thermal comfort in public spaces by mitigating the impact of the Urban Heat Island Effect in the city. The competition is open to all; but is specifically looking for designers, architects, engineers, landscape architects, material scientists, educators, researchers, students, artists and/or inter-disciplinary teams from across the globe, to contribute. The winning entries will represent the most original and innovative ideas that attempt to reduce Heat Island Effect in a prototypical urban site in Abu Dhabi through design

Open Call: At the Venice Biennale Summer School

3rd June – 1st September 2020
The School for Curatorial Studies is an ambitious and challenging project promoted since 2004 and conceived as a school committed to experimentation and interdisciplinary thinking. The main goals are to spread the knowledge in the field of visual arts and to introduce the students to the professions related to the art world, focusing on contemporary curatorial theory and practice and contemporary museology.
The School’s activities are meant for all those interested and passionate in art, graduated students or professionals who want to deepen

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