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How to Maximize Revit Importer

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The Revit Importer converts families and building elements to SketchUp’s native tags and components. It optimizes geometry creating a lightweight and well-organized SketchUp file that is ready-to-use.

Design for Living: Global Contest to Rethink our Habitat, from the Body to the City

The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) calls its 8th Advanced Architecture Contest as a global reflection to rethink human habitats, at a time when the fight for life and climate allows us to consider how we would like to live in the coming decades.

The contest encourages participants to propose a design related to their way of life, at the scale that most interests them from our bodies to the city, anywhere in the world, and that reflects different cultural, environmental, economic or social conditions.

The 3 Prizes (total value: 62.250 EUR) will be distributed at the discretion of the

Dining in the Urban: Design Competition

Competition Brief

The Intimate City hosts, Dining in the Urban, a design competition which offers the opportunity to explore domestic rituals in Skopje's public realm. The brief uses the knowledge gained from domestic rituals to expose the current social and physical forms, unveiling the boundaries between the public, communal, and private within the city. Aiming to reveal social and physical latency the brief is an experiment which acknowledges form as a social commitment in order to mediate the tension in the city.

Skopje is full of tension, the city of has had many contradictory images over the last century the most recent

Call for Papers for CANactions Magazine Edition 02. Земля | The Land

CANactions School launches the Call for Papers for CANactions Magazine Edition 02 'ЗЕМЛЯ І THE LAND'. It is meant to explore "LAND" and its inhabitants to collect and share with the world the most actual and relevant portrait of contemporary post-socialist states countryside.

You are welcome to submit your abstracts before 30 May 2020. CANactions Magazine Edition 02 will be published on the 20th of August 2020.
Call for Papers for CANactions Magazine Edition 02: ЗЕМЛЯ | THE LAND

CANactions Magazine—a quarterly publication of essays, articles, and interviews by critical and engaged professionals of a wide range of fields and young creative thinkers

CAC Live: Chicago Public Art Stories

Due to the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, Chicago’s public art legacy is younger than Boston’s or New York City’s. Its vast collection of public art, however, is star-studded, widely varied, endlessly interesting—and still growing. CAC docent Ed McDevitt leads this engaging introduction to some of Chicago’s greatest public art treasures.

Call for Submissions: Catalyst Pedagogies and the Pandemic Displacement of Architectural Education

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on higher education institutions and in particular delivery of design and architectural education. The co-presence of educators and students and creating affordances for physical and material spatial experiences, as well as collaborative work, has long been at the heart of architectural education and its studio culture. This issue aims to capture the imminent changes that this pandemic promises and provide a platform for sharing pedagogic experiences, practices and perspectives for the future of architectural education.

The rapid global transition to a distanced and remote mode of education on the one hand has

#mOOO3 Iso[nation]: Home Office (Fundraising For Covid-19 Response Fund)


We are launching this special ISO[NATION] competition to raise fund and to save lives during the outbreak of pandemic COVID-19. A small donation will be required to enter this competition and they will be donated towards the World Health Organization COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.


Design Synopsis

During this outbreak of COVID-19, most people across the world have been working from home. While a lot of health workers putting themselves on the line to save those who are suffering, as a community of architects, we can contribute more to the society. It

The Aesthetics and Architecture of Care Environments

The Aesthetics and Architecture of Care Environments
By Freja Ståhlberg-Aalto

The aesthetics of care environments carry huge potential to induce wellbeing, enhance the quality of life and, thereby, affect the healing and rehabilitation of patients and residents. This book applies experimental Q methodology – a qualitative method for systematically analysing human subjectivity – in search of a new approach to evaluating care environments.

The focus is on the role of aesthetics as experienced by the actual users and stakeholders of ten high-quality and award-winning care environments in Japan and the European countries of Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France and Austria.

Call for Submissions: Loop Design Awards 2020

LOOP Design Awards launches the first edition of its prize in 2020!

LOOP is an open platform to creativity and talent, where all the designers may showcase their best projects, giving them great visibility around the world. We want to celebrate and honor diversity with remarkable projects globally.

The LOOP Design Awards 2020 is open to Architects and Interior Designers from all over the world. Either you are a well established studio or just started your career, LOOP will value all your talent through all its different prize categories.
Projects must be completed in the past five years (since 1 January 2015).

For its

Call for Submissions: QA-rant-N

Dear Sir or Madam

We are the QUELLE ARCHITECTURE collective, a group of three architects.

We have taken part in international architectural competitions, have been awarded and published, notably in the BIM FRANCE 2016, 2017, 2018, Young Architect Competition 2019 and Europan 2019 competitions.

We recently launched a participatory study open to all on the impact of the containment we are experiencing. This study would be a collection of ideas, drawings, texts, models..., making it possible to show how everyone imagine their future home or the ideal dwelling in which to live their confinement. To do this we propose two models that

CAC Live: "City on a Hill" Book Talk

How has the quest for Utopia shaped American cities? Join urban planner and professor Alex Krieger as he explores the dreams and ideals that have long influenced our urban settlements, as told in his new book, “City on a Hill.”

Alex Krieger is Professor of Urban Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and principal at NBBJ, a global architecture and planning firm. He has directed downtown and urban waterfront plans in American and international cities, including the reconstruction of the Bund in Shanghai. He has chaired the Department of Urban Planning and Design on three occasions, served as Director

Co-creating Architecture no. 1 – Nord Architects

Co-creating Architecture is a bookseries project that takes a look at the vast potential and use of co-creation within Danish architecture.
It portrays a generation of Danish architects who set a new international standard for Danish architecture with their ability to offer sustainable answers to societal and social challenges in the shape of innovative and lasting design solutions. The key to this was and still is co-creation: a collaborative approach that opens up the creative process, inviting users, decision-makers and experts from a wide range of fields to participate in and inform the development of projects. Co-creation stimulates interest, sense of

Co-creating Architecture no. 2 – Effekt

Co-creating Architecture is a bookseries project that takes a look at the vast potential and use of co-creation within Danish architecture.
It portrays a generation of Danish architects who set a new international standard for Danish architecture with their ability to offer sustainable answers to societal and social challenges in the shape of innovative and lasting design solutions. The key to this was and still is co-creation: a collaborative approach that opens up the creative process, inviting users, decision-makers and experts from a wide range of fields to participate in and inform the development of projects. Co-creation stimulates interest, sense of

Campus of Religions

EU-wide, open architectural competition for “Campus of Religions” launched in Vienna

Joint major project of eight religious communities in Vienna’s aspern Seestadt, one of Europe’s largest urban development areas

The ”Campus of the Religions”, an interfaith center and international model project, will play a special role in Vienna’s social life. The competition launched on April 17th aims at finding architectural solutions for the buildings for worship/religious services of the eight participating communities, for the University College of Christian Churches for Teacher Education KPH, shared and open spaces. The Campus construction site covers approx. 10,000 m² near aspern’s lakeside.


Living in a Pandemic State: How Interiors Face Isolation

Living in a pandemic state: how interiors face to isolation

INNER MAGAZINE – The Interior Architecture Magazine n. 4
ISSN: 2611 - 3872 (Online)
The spread of the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is forcing to change rapidly our lives, and this pandemic scenario won’t last for a little time. Gideon Lichfield in his article in the MIT Technology Review state that this situation will probably last for 18 months. Many scientists, moreover, are convinced that this is just the first of many pandemias that we will face in the next future.
This sudden change is striking in the domestic space and in the public/public interior.

Open Call for a Sustainable Hospitality Concept in Provence, France


The space that hosts the project is currently a 9 holes golf course. Our wish is to turn it into a verdant, fragrant garden where rosemary and thyme give golfers and non-golfers alike an opportunity to nourish their body and mind. Creating this mesmerizing atmosphere will be made possible by planting one million rosemarie and thyme bushes around the golf area.



Our goal is to create an eco-sustainable place that gives our guests the opportunity to connect with their deeper selves, and with nature. We believe we can achieve our mission by creating spaces that combine elements of

Living Upon the Play


“Play” meaning in various ways, including playing like an infant, having fun with friends, indulging in drinks or gambling, taking breaks between work and study, having leeway to things, seeking beauty in literature and art isolated from the secular world, and giving space to machinery part connection. In any case, it is like a source to life, an act full of humanity contrary to pursuing functionality and rationality.

In Homo Ludens, written by Johan Huizinga, “Culture has occurred and developed as play in play,” “play has a significant meaning in life, and that it has an inevitable mission,” “nature has

Write On 2020: a Themed Writing Workshop

All are invited to apply to Write ON 2020: a themed writing workshop with a focus on togetherness in the built environment.

In a time of unprecedented change, where is the way forward in supporting our neighbours and communities? What openings can we find to make up for lost time in seeking to re-connect with the land? What memories or histories can we draw from in order to remake our support networks even more open and caring? And finally, what might creative process offer?

Write ON is about words. And about contemporary expressions of visual form.

The workshop includes four writing sessions and work with an individual mentor to develop a piece of

Role Models Student Design Competition

Contest Brief:
Impacts of design decisions are far-reaching, inescapable, and indisputable. As designers, the questions we continually ask ourselves are: how does what I make impact the world at large? What materials am I using? Who am I designing for and are my designs inclusive? How can materials be used in new, healthier, and innovative ways? That’s where you come in!

What’s in it for you?
This is your chance to be a role model to the rest of the design world by sharing your innovative approach to healthier design. As well as winning a $1,000 cash prize, you could generate media

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