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How to Create Custom Objects in Archicad

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Quickly create custom objects and building elements and explore design options — without writing code or script — with PARAM-O, a built-in parametric design tool for Archicad users available on both macOS and Windows.

Creating Contemporary Interiors with Archicad's Object Library

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A guide on on how to create contemporary interiors with Archicad's improved Object Library.

Call for Entries: 2016 Brick in Architecture Awards

The Brick Industry Association (BIA) encourages entries for its 2016 Brick in Architecture Awards through April 30.

Architectural and design firms from around the country can enter their best material to be judged by a jury of their peers.

Any work of architecture completed since January 1, 2011, in which new clay brick products comprise the predominant exterior building or paving material (over 50 percent), is eligible. These include face or hollow brick, building brick, thin brick, paving brick, glazed brick, structural glazed facing tile, new clay brick products in special shapes and/or a combination of any of these aforementioned units.

Open Call: Santa Monica LAGI 2016: Powering Places in Southern California

The Land Art Generator Initiative is delighted to announce that LAGI 2016 will be held in Southern California, with the City of Santa Monica as site partner. This free and open call ideas competition invites individuals or interdisciplinary teams to design a large-scale site-specific work of public art that also serves as clean energy and/or drinking water infrastructure for the City of Santa Monica.

The complete Design Guidelines along with CAD files, photos, and more will be available on January 1, 2016 at http://landartgenerator.org/designcomp

The design site includes the breakwater adjacent to the historic Santa Monica Pier and offers the opportunity to

EeStairs Competition Winners Announced

Selected from a pool of over 220 entries, the winners of the second edition of the EeStairs Design Competition have been announced. The competition challenged entrants to trace the evolution of the staircase, designing a staircase to inspire a workspace, or a balustrade that was the perfect balance of functionality and style.

Open Call: BEE / HOUSE / LAB: International Design Competition


BEE / HOUSE / LAB, is an international design competition open to students and designers in the field of environmental design, architecture, landscape architecture, industrial design, and other related fields. The competition calls for a design of a bee house prototype that can be fabricated and deployed for field testing. Up to ten designs selected by the Design Jury will be fabricated (30 prototypes per design) and deployed (300 houses), to study their space-form-habitat performances. 


Call for New Installations: RIBA's Summer Showcase ‘Constructing Communities’

During summer 2016, the RIBA will give RIBA Members, both practising architects and students, an opportunity to display their ideas and work across London between Peckham Levels and the RIBA headquarters at 66 Portland Place. Responding to the London Festival of Architecture theme of ‘Community’ the RIBA will exhibit projects that take a fresh look at how architectural structures, both permanent and temporary, can strengthen community engagement, from micro to macro scales. Prospective submissions may represent a variety of community ideals such as alternative housing arrangements, new co-working or co-habitating setups, mobile enterprises, or public spaces. RIBA will be looking for original projects that explore technical innovation, potential to instigate change, and the ways in which communities can be constructed with architecture. Experimentation and imaginative thinking are encouraged for the works submitted to the open call.
A shortlist will be presented in 2D, 3D or time-based media visualisations at Peckham Levels in south London – the iconic car park site well known for hosting Bold Tendencies and Frank’s Campari Bar.

Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Foundation Initiates International Idea Challenge

The lifework of Tapio Wirkkala and Rut Bryk has had a deep impact on the shaping of Finnish and Scandinavian design identities. The duo was open to new thoughts, easily excitable and pioneers in their field in many senses. Throughout their careers in design and teaching, Tapio Wirkkala and Rut Bryk offered new paradigms to designers, students and ordinary citizens in post-war Finland. 

Call for Entries: AIA UK Excellence in Design Awards

For over 20 years the American Institute of Architects UK Chapter 'Excellence in Design Awards' programme has proven highly valued by architects as they confer trans-Atlantic recognition for design excellence. Professional entries are sought from architects, industrial designers, urban planners, landscape architects and interior designers based in Britain, and from around the world for completed projects in the UK.

Call for Papers: International Symposium on Urban Design

On the 20th anniversary of its MSc Urban Design Program, the METU Faculty of Architecture is organising an international symposium on urban design to be held between the 4th and 5th October 2016 in Ankara, Turkey: 'Designing Urban Design: Towards a Holistic Perspective'.

Call for Entries: Building the Border Wall?

Update #4 (3/17/2016): We have received the following statement from the organizers of this competition, the Third Mind Foundation. Below the updates, you can read the new competition brief. ArchDaily is in no way affiliated with the competition itself or its organizers.

Event: UCLA Architecture and Urban Design 50th Anniversary Gala

The UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture celebrates the 50th Anniversary of UCLA Architecture and Urban Design (UCLA A.UD). Join the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture as we celebrate and recognizeUCLA Architecture and Urban Design's (UCLA A.UD) role in shaping the world through architecture, urbanism, and design. The event, held Saturday, March 19, honors legendary architect Denise Scott Brown, visionary designer Yves Béhar, and a key group of influential advocates who have helped preserve Palm Springs’ extraordinary legacy of mid-century modern architecture. 

Sam Jacob Studio to Create a Russian Doll-Like Installation at London's Sto Werkstatt

Sto Werkstatt have announced that Sam Jacob Studio will be creating "a unique installation" for their London gallery space that will "explore the exchange of information between digital and physical worlds." Entitled One Thing After Another, the project has its origins with what Jacob considers the most mundane, yet essential form, of architecture: the garden shed. The structure will be 3D-scanned to create a digital copy which will then be processed and scaled to fabricate a new CNC’d version from Verolith, a lightweight type of volcanic stone made of 90% perlite.

AIPH International Green City Conference

AIPH and Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) invites all those with an interest in making our cities healthier and happier to join them in Vancouver, Canada on 16-18 March 2016 for the AIPH International Green City Conference, sponsored by TD Canada. The event will be held in conjunction with the AIPH Spring Meetings, the ELCA Board Meetings and the Landscape Canada Summit. The conference will give delegates a chance to see innovations in urban green infrastructure and planning on a global scale. 

A Conversation with Toyo Ito, Kazuyo Sejima, Sou Fujimoto, Akihisa Hirata and Junya Ishigami

Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) hosts a conversation among five of the most influential contemporary Japanese architects: Toyo Ito, Kazuyo Sejima, Sou Fujimoto, Akihisa Hirata and Junya Ishigami. Moderated by Columbia GSAPP professors Jeffrey Inaba and Kenneth Frampton, the conversation aims to explore the relationships and creative exchanges among this prominent group of architects and designers.

Discussion: Downtown LA, Re-Envisioned + Revitalized

Downtown Los ​Angeles is on the verge of a breakthrough moment. It is becoming more livable, walkable and enjoyable as we speak. But what's missing? A multidisciplinary panel at the A+D Museum examines the promise of DTLA almost a decade after the museum's show Enlightened Development asked the question: How do we foster a "sustainable downtown revitalization"? What can we learn from other cities where a similar downtown renaissance has taken place?

Cities in Asia Summer Programme: Studio SEL-SHA

This credit-bearing HKU course was established in 2010 to focus on urgent architectural and urban issues confronting Asian cities today. It is an immersive course designed to expose students to daily learning activities including lectures, seminars, studio crits, field work, firm visits, and design reviews.

Conference: Archmarathon Awards Presentations 2016

Born from an idea of Publicomm, ARCHMARATHON is the first international architectural event that brings together 42 Architecture Design Studios from different countries of the world. The first Edition was held in Milano in 2014 and hosted more than 1800 architects for the 3 day event. The 2015 Edition was done in Beirut, focusing on Arab and Mediterranean Countries, and hosted more than 8,000 architects and students in the 3 day event. Archmarathon in 2016 will take place in Milan on 13-15 May.

Debate: Pret A Habiter - Ready to Inhabit

AAgora is a debate platform based at the Architectural Association, London, which aims to shed light on relevant architectural topics. These debates take the form of an open-table discussion which encourages the audience to participate at any time. AAgora's third debate will be "Pret A Habiter" - or, Ready to Inhabit - Towards Nomadic Homogeneity, in the city through the sharing economy and Airbnb.

Competition: Chicago Sukkah Expo 2016

Chicago Sukkah Expo ’16 is a national design competition that challenges entrants to re-imagine the sukkah. The sukkah, a temporary structure that is built during the Jewish festival of Sukkot, commemorates the 40 years that Jews spent wandering the desert (Leviticus 23:42-43). The impermanence of the sukkah reminds us that many community members do not have adequate shelter and are threatened by the dangers of homelessness. We must devote attention and support those without a permanent home.

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