Sliding Windows for High-Rise Buildings | Air-Lux
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Sliding Windows for High-Rise Buildings | Air-Lux

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    Residential, corporate
  • Characteristics

    100% tightness, membrane function withstands wind loads, seal retains integrity with subsidence
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Sliding sashes have rarely been used in high-rise buildings because sealing sliding windows has always been considered problematic due to the lack of contact pressure of the gasket. The lift-slide or parallel sliding systems used today are also often unsatisfactory in terms of tightness, ease of operation or appearance. Air-Lux is breaking new ground with its sealing concept and simply moves the seal instead of the heavy sliding element to achieve the contact pressure. This new and patented sealing concept offers a number of advantages.

Why Air-Lux is the Right Choice for High-Rise Buildings

The Air-Lux air sealing system sets new standards in terms of tightness. They are the first sliding windows ever to be suitable for high-rise buildings with their enormous wind loads.

  1. 100% Tight
    Regardless of whether lift-slide, parallel-slide, or brush-seal systems are used, tightness has always been problematic in high-rise buildings. The patented air seal used by Air-Lux is the first system to break new ground here. The result is 100% tightness. And that over the entire life cycle - without compromise.

  2. Air-Lux Seal With Membrane Function
    The facade of a high-rise building is exposed to enormous wind loads. Pressure and suction forces quickly amount to over 1000 kg per sliding element, and in exposed locations even over 4000 kg are possible! The profiles of a 2.5 m high slider may deflect by more than 16 mm (assumed L/150). With conventional sealing systems, such deformations impair the tightness. The Air-Lux air seal is different: Thanks to its membrane-like character, the air seal adapts to movements and the sliding element always remains 100% tight. And because the constant contact pressure eliminates any play between the slider and fixed element, impact noise from the profiles in strong winds is also not an issue.

  3. Withstands Building Subsidence
    Minor building subsidence or movement occurs in every construction project. In high-rise buildings, local supports combined with a load-bearing core in the center perform the load-bearing and stabilizing function. In the case of free-span floors and ceilings between the columns, larger movements often occur. These have a negative effect on the function of the facade and especially on the openable elements. Accordingly, two important questions arise when choosing the right windows: How much movement of the building structure is to be expected and how much movement can the windows absorb without loss of tightness? The patented Air-Lux sealing system remains 100% tight in the case of lintel sinking up to 40 mm and base sinking up to 20 mm.

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