Starting as a company only marketing glass windows, it has now become a company specialised in the processing of flat glass and in the production of glass walls for building envelopes. Thanks to its technologically advanced machineries and its specialised staff, VETRODOMUS can satasfy its clients’ needs with a high productivity range. The company has its headquarters in Brescia. The 13.000 m²-plant, where almost 60 specialised workers operate, hosts all the glass processing phases. The processing cycle and all the company activities are regulated by the ISO 9001:2015 certification. The company purchases first-quality and EC regulation compliant materials, which are conveniently stored in the company warehouses, at all the primary glass producers on the global market, such as: AGC, GUARDIAN, PILKINGTON, SAINT GOBAIN, etc. Moreover, the polyvinyl butyral (PVB), which is used in the layering process, is bought as well at the main producers, such as KURARAUY and it is stored in specific refrigerated compartments in order to maintain the needed temperature.