Hank Jarz


Marine Research Center Bali / AVP_arhitekti

Marine Research Center Bali / AVP_arhitekti - Image 5 of 4
Courtesy AVP_arhitekti

Croatian design team, AVP_arhitekti, has submitted to ArchDaily their latest project, Marine Research Center Bali. Their proposal seeks to align the center with the elemental characteristics of Bali itself. Follow after the jump for additional images and a thorough description from the architects.

2010 Zombie Apocalypse Safe House Competition

2010 Zombie Apocalypse Safe House Competition - Image 4 of 4
2010 Zombie Safe House Competition

Few design competitions ever focus on truly traumatic life experiences, the kind of situations that force men, women and children into their primal survival tendencies. Luckily, in 2010 this gaping hole in architectural design was finally addressed. The 2010 Zombie Apocalypse Safe House Competition posed the task to designers to find solutions to the the very real threat of having to defend yourself against hoards of brain hungry zombies as the end of mankind grows near. Follow after the jump to read about this lighthearted design competition, the entries and their presentation boards.

Downtown Cleveland Plan / Gustafson Guthrie Nichol

Downtown Cleveland Plan / Gustafson Guthrie Nichol - Featured Image
Courtesy of Gustafson Guthrie Nichol

The Seattle based landscape architecture practice Gustafson Guthrie Nichol has recently worked on the submittal for the Downtown Cleveland Plan and we are fortunate enough to share their material with our readers. Read after the break for a architects description and additional images.

Santa Maria Novella Square / Uros Novakovic + Nevena Radojevic

Santa Maria Novella Square / Uros Novakovic + Nevena Radojevic - Image 7 of 4
Courtesy Uros Novakovic + Nevena Radojevic

The team of Uros Novakovic and Nevena Radojevic have shared with us their proposal for a Urban Design Contest in Florence, Italy which focuses specifically on the development of Santa Maria Novella Square. Additional images and a project description after the break.

UCN IMAGO / GPP Architects

UCN IMAGO / GPP Architects - Image 20 of 4
Courtesy GPP Architects

GPP Architects were recently awarded 1st prize for their entry in the competition for the University College Nordjvlland‘s (UCN) new educational center and have kindly shared their work with us here at ArchDaily. Follow after the jump for a project description by GPP Architects , additional images and a video.

Soviet Constructivism / University of Western Australia ALVA

Soviet Constructivism / University of Western Australia ALVA - Image 15 of 4
Courtsey of The University of Western Australia ALVA

Recent graduates of the University of Western Australia shared with us their 5th year work studying Soviet Constructivism by researching, analyzing and reproducing various significant buildings from the movement. Additional images of the collection are available after the break.

Spread the Ashes of the Colors / Megan Geckler

Spread the Ashes of the Colors / Megan Geckler - Image 3 of 4
courtesy of Megan Geckler ©2010

A current installation at the Wexner Center for the Arts “Six Solos” show, Megan Geckler‘s “Spread the Ashes of the Colors” has been a resounding hit and we are happy to share it with our readers. A time lapse video of the installation, additional photos, press quotes an the artist statement all after the break.

Village in the Air / Építész Stúdió

Village in the Air / Építész Stúdió - Image 5 of 4
Courtesy Építész Stúdió

Építész Stúdió has shared with us their entry, Village in the Air, for the A101 Bock City Competition in Moscow. Information from the architect as well as additional images after the break.

Room for London / Arctic Associates

Room for London / Arctic Associates - Image 8 of 4
Courtesy Arctic Associates

The English design team, Arctic Associates has shared their proposal for 2012 Room for London, situated on the banks of the River Thames in London. A short narrative from the architects and additional images after the break.

Water Sport Pavilion / buijsenpennock architects

Water Sport Pavilion / buijsenpennock architects - Featured Image
Courtesy buijsenpennock architects

buijsenpennock architects has shared with ArchDaily their competition entry for a water sport pavilion. Additional renderings and a brief architects description after the break.

Trois-Rivières Amphitheatre / Open Form

Trois-Rivières Amphitheatre / Open Form - Image 18 of 4
Courtesy Open Form

Canadian design team Open Form has shared with us their recent competition entry for the new Trois-Rivières Amphitheatre. Additional images and a description from the architects after the break.

London Vibe Cuboid / Ahmed Zayed

London Vibe Cuboid / Ahmed Zayed - Image 4 of 4
Courtesy Ahmed Zayed

Egyptian architect, Ahmed Zayed has shared his design proposal for the 2012 London Olympic Games, a interactive installation along one of the iconic structures of London. Additional images and a brief description after the break.

Guyane Memory Center / D3 Architectes

Guyane Memory Center / D3 Architectes - Image 3 of 4
Courtesy D3 Architectes

D3 Architectes has shared with ArchDaily his proposal for the Guyane Memory Center in Cayenne, French Guiana. Read more about this project after the break complete with additional images.

Artist's Colony Market / Atelier Architects

Artist's Colony Market / Atelier Architects - Image 15 of 4
Courtesy Atelier Architects

Hungary based studio Atelier Architects recently received a special mention for their Artist’s Colony Market design in a “market of the future” competition organized by Spanish architectural network Opengap. Details of the competition can be seen HERE and additional images and a description of Atelier Architects proposal can be found after the break.

Legacy of the River Suite / Ian Douglas-Jones + Ben Rousseau

Legacy of the River Suite / Ian Douglas-Jones + Ben Rousseau - Image 1 of 4
Courtesy Ian Douglas-Jones and Ben Rousseau

The partnership of Ian Douglas-Jones and Ben Rousseau has created the Legacy of the River Suite at this years Ice Hotel to commemorate the release of Disney’s new film, TRON: Legacy. You can follow the progress of the suite at the project’s website, Extreme-Design, as well as reading on after the break for additional photos and a brief description.

Inside Out / Studio Marco Vermeulen

Inside Out / Studio Marco Vermeulen - Image 5 of 4
Courtesy Studio Marco Vermeulen

Rotterdam based Studio Marco Vermeulen has shared with ArchDaily their recent proposal for a housing block competition in Moscow. Additional images and a brief architects description after the break.

V&A Exhibition Road Competition Shortlist Announcement

V&A Exhibition Road Competition Shortlist Announcement  - Featured Image
V&A Competition

The Victoria and Albert Museum recently announced the seven architectural practices invited to submit proposals for the museum’s Exhibition Road development. You can read more about the competition and the shortlisted design teams after the break.

UNO Elementary School / JGMA (moreno architects)

UNO Elementary School / JGMA (moreno architects) - Image 1 of 4
Courtesy of JGMA

Newly formed, Chicago based, JGMA (moreno architects) has been awarded the position of design architect for the United Neighborhood Organization‘s first ground up school in Chicago, Illinois. Additional renderings and a brief architects description after the break.