The Interiors Construction Manual supports planners in their daily work as a practical planning aid and reference work with the relevant standards, guidelines, reference details and constructional solutions, all illustrated by built example projects. It brings together the crucial facts on all aspects of interior construction and presents the key fundamentals of building physics, fire pro-tection, interior construction systems and openings. In addition, it offers concrete tips on integrated planning approaches, energy and sustainability issues, materials used in interior construction, hazardous substances and dealing with building services and light planning.
More information and photos after the break.

Part A Space and form
Part B Integrated planning

Concepts and building typologies
Secondary school
Part C Finishing and fitting-out

Ceiling systems
Fire-resistant casing systems
“Football stadiums, airports, theatres and museums – such spectacular construction works are rarely daily routine for most architects. Much more common day-to-day work comprises “overlooked” designs such as reconstruction, finishings, expansions or new construction of single or multi-family homes, schools, institutes, offices, etc. Yet, no matter what shape the construction work takes, an expansion always presents a big qualitative and aesthetic challenge and demands specific expertise. After all, when the work is finished, this is the space which will be lived in and used by the occupant and whose aesthetic and functional usability will be put to the test day after day.

“The training of classical structural engineering architects does not often convey, or only in passing, this extensive and responsible field of activity. With the Interiors Construction Manual, the designer is presented with a practical aid, which consolidates all essential facts about expansions in the proven DETAIL construction manual format. The designer can use the manual on a daily basis during their work in the form of a reference book for relevant norms, regulations, key details and clear construction solutions using completed projects as examples.”

Authors: Gerhard Hausladen, Karsten Tichelmann Introduction: Wolfgang Brune Edition: 2010 Format: 288 pages with numerous drawings and color photos
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