In March 2021, ACO and AIT-Dialog successfully launched a virtual tour through the seven continents of the world, inviting architects, urban planners, engineers and landscape architects to become part of "beyond.aco | architecture across continents". Now the journey continues: Join them at their next live event on 8 November 2022 and look forward to inspiring lectures from international speakers.
The focus is on responsible architecture in times of global change and climate challenges. The event series "beyond.aco - architecture across continents" is aimed at architects, urban/landscape planners and engineers. After exciting lectures from various countries around the world, the focus this time is on Europe. Architect Alison Brooks of Alison Brooks Architects in London will present some of their pioneering building projects and the two experts Angelika Schmid from Werner Sobek AG, as well as Michael Rathgeb from ingenhoven associates GmbH, provide insights into the largest infrastructure project in Europe – Stuttgart 21.

Keynote speaker: Alison Brooks

Alison Brooks is one of UK's best-known architects. She is involved in urban planning and housing, university buildings, private houses and public buildings for the arts. She has received more than 70 awards for her design achievements. Her work is based on intensive research into the specific geographical, climatic and cultural conditions of each project. She is the only UK architect to have received all three of the profession’s most prestigious awards: the RIBA Stirling Prize, the Manser Medal (twice), and the Stephen Lawrence Prize.
ACO On Site: Stuttgart 21

The focus topic of ACO On Site is dedicated to one of the largest construction projects for public rail transport in urban areas: Stuttgart 21, the project for the new Stuttgart railway station. With Angelika Schmid from Werner Sobek AG and Michael Rathgeb from ingenhoven associates GmbH, two experts from the major lead offices provide insight into this gigantic project in which ACO is involved. For twelve years, construction has been underway in Stuttgart on the new railway station and the redesign of the railway infrastructure. ACO Passavant Detego, specialist and market leader for shaft covers in special formats, is producing five large floor gates for the emergency exits in the new underground station. The stainless steel giants will form an important part of the station's safety. Jan Schmitz, Sales Director at ACO Passavant Detego, gives an insight into the implementation of this challenging project.

Join the event on 8 November for a virtual journey into the world of architecture! The event will be held in English with a German audio channel. The livestream will be recognised as an advanced training event by various architectural associations.
Register for beyond.aco | 8 November 2022. For more information visit our website www.beyond.aco.