The New Generations Festival is an annual event that brings together emerging architecture practices and professionals from various fields, creating a space for contemplation and analysis of the architecture profession. New Urban Challenges will take place this December 16th, 17th, and 18th, 2020. All the activities will be transmitted online via the New Generations media platform from the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome.
After Milan, Florence, Genoa, Madrid, and Warsaw, the next three editions of the New Generations Festival (2020, 2021, 2022) will take place in Rome, at the Royal Academy of Spain. The Festival will explore the relationship between the urban environment and six intertwined themes, two every year. The 2020 edition of the festival will revolve around the following two themes: ‘City & People’ and ‘City & Responsibility’.
New Generations is a European platform that investigates the architectural profession and the changes around it through a network of some of the most innovative emerging architecture studios and practices, providing a new space for the exchange of knowledge and confrontation, theory, and production. Since 2013, New Generations has involved more than 500 practices from over 20 European countries in its cultural agenda through festivals, exhibitions, open calls, video-interviews, workshops, and its new online media platform.

Meet the 2020 Festival Programme

The event will be inaugurated online this December 16th at 18:15, with the participation of New Generations and the Royal Academy of Spain. The presentation will be followed by Editorial Formats Powered by Pecha Kucha, exploring the diversity in editorial formats and the stories behind them. Participants such as Orizzontale (IT), Blanca Munt (ES), KooZA/rch (UK/IT), Volume (NL) and Panteon Magazine (IT), will present their work following the well-known Japanese format of 20 slides – 20 seconds each.
On the mornings of the 17th and the 18th (11:00/13:00), two groups of authors will get involved in a workshop called “Brainstorming session” – an online event that will explore different interpretations of the two main themes proposed by this year’s Festival. Each brainstorming session will see the participation of 5 international guests, each introducing their research in 20 minutes. Experts in different fields, such as Dan Dorocic - ON/OFF (Germany), Stéphanie Morio - Bond Society (France), and Ludovico Centis - The Empire (Italy) among others, will present their research introducing different visions on the two main themes proposed by the Festival. The Brainstorming workshop will be moderated by Gianpiero Venturini (Italy).

This December 17th and 18th (17:00/19:00), eight international guests will present a selection of projects through the format “Speakers Corner”. This event will see the participation of, among others, Antonio Buonsante | Federico Casati - casatibuonsante architects (Italy), Lluis Alexandre Casanovas Blanco (Spain), and Deborah Lopez and Hadin Charbel - Pareid architecture (United Kingdom/Spain), Corinna Del Bianco (Italy). The Speakers Corner event will be moderated by Chris Luth (Netherlands).
The programme of the Festival will also include a traveling exhibition that inaugurates at the Royal Spanish Academy in Rome in March 2021, with a selection of about 60 books from emerging authors. The installation will keep growing every year for the next three years, with a selection of new books related to the themes of each year’s Festival.

Curator: Gianpiero Venturini | New Generations
Contributor: Roma Capitale
Partnership with: Royal Academy of Spain in Rome
Media partner: ArchDaily
The project has been awarded by the public tender "Estate Romana 2020 – 2021 – 2022" and is part of Romarama, a cultural programme promoted by Roma Capitale.
For more information please visit the New Generations official website. Download the information related to this event [PDF].

New Generations Festival: New Urban ChallengesType
Festival / BiennialWebsite
December 16, 2020 06:00 PMUntil
December 18, 2020 07:00 PMVenue
Streamed online on newgenerationsweb.com from the Royal Academy of Spain in RomeAddress