A public event will be held at the Denver Art Museum on the evening of Thursday, July 19 between 6:00-8:00PM as part of the AERIAL FUTURES: Constructed Landscapes think tank taking place in Denver between July 19-20, 2018.
Transportation infrastructure is transforming Front Range mobility — whether that’s Denver International Airport’s (DEN) global hub status linking citizens to the world, or its pivotal role for intermodal regional connectivity. With focus shifting away from the car, Denver is fast becoming a laboratory for new modes of transportation. Over the last few decades, Denver’s population has increased dramatically, spurring interest in adopting a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) approach to the airport’s expansive territory. Disruptive technologies, such as the Rocky Mountain Hyperloop and CDOT’s RoadX initiative offer possibilities for interconnected mobility between the Front Range and DEN. As the airport itself now turns its eye to planning and developing 16,000 acres of land, new opportunities for innovation in technology and living are coming to fruition with new districts on the periphery. AERIAL FUTURES: Constructed Landscapes brings together leading thinkers and practitioners to consider the future of Denver and its mobilities.
The panel discussion will be composed of leading designers and thinkers from the mobility industry and the architecture community, including:
Alan Eckman, Vice President of Transportation at AECOM
Amy Ford, Chief of Advanced Mobility at Colorado Department of Transportation
Curt Fentress, Co-Founder of AERIAL FUTURES & Principal at Fentress Architects will moderate
Fred Merrill, FAICP, LEED AP, Principal & Senior Planner at Sasaki
AERIAL FUTURES is a non-profit organization and cultural platform exploring innovation in the architecture of flight, technology, and the broader urban mobility ecosystem.
AERIAL FUTURES Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJBIhopYto
AERIAL FUTURES: Constructed LandscapesType
July 19, 2018 06:00 PMUntil
July 19, 2018 09:00 PMVenue
Denver Art Museum, Sharp AuditoriumAddress