Neuman Hayner Architects, in collaboration with architect Gal Karni, has unveiled their proposal to a competition for a new music and dance school in Mevaseret Zion, Israel.
Five lines defining four strips, a frame of a story, a foundation for the creation... fertile ground for learning, a space for work, a stage for talent, a platform for infinite opportunities.

The design of the project is based on the musical concept of the staff—the five horizontal lines in sheet music that define musical pitch. Combined with the idea of creating an open and airy space, this staff-derived shape creates clearly divided wings, each of which allows for a diversity of activities, according to the changing needs of the school.

Furthermore, each of the spaces in the project has a varying degree of intimacy, thereby creating a mix of more public or private spaces and facilitating a unified mixed use.

The conservatory will additionally feature strong considerations of acoustic demands, energy efficiency, and light.
News via Neuman Hayner Architects.