HHF architects has created a temporary pavilion for the first biennial for contemporary music and architecture ZeitRäume in Basel, Switzerland.
At nearly six meters tall, the installation is constructed of simple parts: “a large drum made of bamboo poles, with a roof of scaffolding brackets.” While seemingly basic in construction, the pavilion additionally features movement in the roof portion, when blown by the wind.

Below the moving roof, the pavilion provides information to passers-by with a text panel, and serves as a meeting or resting place, with an array of seating blocks.

The pavilion is located on the Kleinbasel bridgehead of Mittlere Brücke, Basel’s central bridge, at a place that “is spatially exposed and acoustically concise, as it forms a barrier between two different urban sound spaces: between the acoustically enclosed and noisy Greifengasse with the specific sounds of trams and busy people on one side, and the open and more quiet acoustic space towards the Rhine.”
The project will be open until Sunday, September 13. Learn more about the installation here.
Architects: HHF Architects
Year: 2015
Location: Mittlere Brücke, Basel
Design Team: HERLACH HARTMANN FROMMENWILER with David Gregori y Ribes and Germain Chan, Matija Vukovic
Structural Engineering: Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure, Basel
Photos: Julien Lanoo
News via HHF architects.