Author: Mary Guzowski Design: Godfrey Design ISBN: 978-1-8569-678-4
More info after the break.
Introduction (extract)

Humans continue to adapt to the rhythms of light and darkness in the eternal circle of night and day as the sun rises and sets, season after season, millennium upon millennium. We find ways to harness the forces of the sun and wind to sustain our lives, and these forces have shaped the built environment. Our ancestors used simple and ingenious strategies to create dwellings, neighborhoods, public spaces, villages, and even sophisticated solar cities. The forces of the sun and wind have inspired architectural design at all scales, from building form to plan, section, materials, and detailing. We have always relied on the sun and wind to meet seasonal needs for lighting, heating, and cooling; always celebrating our relationships with the varied places and climates of the world.

Chapter 1: Fostering an ecological vision
First LivingHome Model Home, Santa Monica, California, USA, Ray Kappe Architects/Planners and LivingHomes Kingspan Lighthouse, Watford, UK, Sheppard Robson
Chapter 2: Prioritizing passive design

Solarsiedlung am Schlierberg, Freiburg, Germany, Rolf Disch Architects Aldo Leopold Legacy Center, Baraboo, Wisconsin, USA, The Kubala Washatko Architects
Chapter 3: Defining an ethic of enough

Tim and Karen Hixon (Government Canyon) Visitor Center, Helotes, Texas, USA, Lake|Flato Architects SOLTAG Energy Housing, Hørsholm, Denmark, Nielsen and Rubow, Cenergia, Kuben Byfornyelse Danmark, and Velux Danmark
Chapter 4: Using responsive envelopes

Rozak House, Lake Bennett, Northern Territory, Australia, Troppo Architects Year 2015 Prototype Home—Made in Germany, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Chapter 5: Expressing an ecological aesthetic

Steinhude Sea Recreational Facility, Steinhude, Germany, Randall Stout Architects and Archimedes GmbH Sino-Italian Ecological and Energy Efficient Building (SIEEB), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Mario Cucinella Architects
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