Authors: Manfred Hegger, Matthias Fuchs, Thomas Stark, Martin Zeumer ISBN: 978-3-7643-8764-8
More info about this publication after the break.
Preface (extract) (by Manfred Hegger)

The Energy Manual not only adds one more tittle to the series of Construction Manuals but also a new dimension. For the first time it is not primarily concerned with fundamentals, a building material or a construction element group. This Manual approaches design and construction from apparently invisible qualities: the sustainability and energy-efficiency of buildings.
There is a whole range of arguments in favour of this way of looking at things. No other sector of industry uses more materials and energy, produces more waste and contributes less to material recycling than the building industry. For quite some time now, these themes have also dominated international public discussions and the process of forming political opinion. There are many reasons for this: some materials are becoming scarce and consequently more expensive, others have undesirable effects on the environment and users, and yet others fail to live up to people´s expectations in the long term. This applies just as much to conventional energy sources.

Preface 6 (2)
Part A Positions Global change Chris Luebkeman Energy change Hermann Scheer Architecture and sustainability – a difficult relationship Robert Kaltenbrunner Doing things right – on efficiency and sustainability Manfred Hegger Solar Architecture Thomas Herzoz Planning and building in life cycles Karl-Heinz Petzink Bernhard Lenz
Part B Planning Fundamentals Global boundary conditions Energy Climate and comfort Urban space and infrastructure Land use Planning to suit the location Infrastructure and technical services Building envelope Maintaining and gaining heat Avoiding overheating Decentralized ventilation Using the daylight Generating electricity Building services Sustainable building services Heating Cooling Mechanical ventilation Optimising the artificial lighting Generating electricity Materials Heat flow Embodied energy Materials in the life cycle Strategies Energy concepts Politics, legislation, statutory instruments Planning process Sustainable architecture Diagnosis system for sustainable building quality (DSQ)

Part C Case studies Project examples 1 to 20 Part D Appendix Parameters Climate data LCA data Statutory instruments, directives, standards Bibliography Picture Credits Subject index

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