Rotterdam-based firm BOARD (Bureau of Architecture, Research, and Design) has been selected as one of the finalists of the European Competition of Architecture, Design, Realisations in Eco and Agro-Materials for their proposal ‘ATREE?’. “Imagine a project that does not need to be constructed, because – being a tree – it grows by itself. Such a project only needs to be planted,” explained the designer.
More about the winning proposal after the break.
The proposed project is comprised of several fast-growing willow trees that form a living installation that can be modified to suit different needs. Using the bioplastic Polyamide 11, which is made of castor plant vegetal oil, transparent molds can be woven into the trees to shape a variety of installations. Both the bioplastic molds and the seeds for the willows can be transported by bike from the companies to the different parks.

When the installation is no longer in use, nothing is wasted. The willows can be used as a renewable energy source, and due to their large carbon mitigation potential, the trees are of great interest for biomass or biofuel production. And, the molds can be fully recycled and reused. The planting of the seeds and the fixing, changing and removing of the bioplastic molds could be celebrated as public art performances.

The installations can also establish a sense of place within a space, such as a large public park. The recognizable and accessible structures make “three-dimensional installations appear that transform and trigger the perception of a space.”

The project emphasizes the importance of patience when it comes to nature.“…patience is an important factor for the well-being of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources. Thus this project could become a symbol for the necessity to accept the long point of view and of being patient with the slowness of nature. It will show what beautiful things can appear if people remain patient.”

All images courtesy of the Bureau of Architecture, Research, and Design (BOARD). The images may not be passed to any third parties without further permission. No part of the work may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from BOARD.
using the bioplastic Polyamide 11, which is made of castor plant vegetal oil.