WE ARCHITECTURE and Sophus Søbye Architects, both young Danish firms, have been awarded first prize for their competition entry for a cultural center in Denmark’s Rudersdahl municipality. “The future Mariehøj cultural center draws a clear profile in the landscape. With a new foyer, the culture center will get a new face that invites in all people in Ruderdahl’s municipality and also a heart that can bring together and highlight the many users and activities in the house,” explained the architects.
More images and more about the proposal after the break.
The proposal seeks to merge with the landscape and create open spaces for a range of activities. Through reorganization and rebuilding, better spaces for individual activities are created while different intersections of activities and meetings points are also designed.

The center attempts to connect people as a way to bring people together socially; it creates a space where “new connections across all interests and ages may dwell.”

Project Details:

Name: Mariehøj culturcenter Assignment: invited competition Type: culture center Clients: Rudersdahl municipality Size:8,000 m2 restoration, 800m2 new building Place: Holte, Denmark Year: 2010 Status: 1. prize, in progress. Collaborators: Sophus Søbye Arkitekter, MASU Planning, Øllgaard Consulting Engineer, Spangenberg & Madsen Consulting Engineer, Hausenberg Team: Marc Jay, Julie Schmidt-Nielsen, Hermanus Neikamp, Lawrence Mahadoo, Lena Reeh Rasmussen, Jenny Selldén, Zsofia Horvath, Nora Fossum, Søren Thiesen, Luis Gill, Juan Olivarria
As seen on Bustler. All images courtesy of the architects.