Altro Studio ‘s Lawn House is a small bio-compatible mobile house made of natural grass strips. The strips bend upward to leave a habitable space beneath the structure’s metal pipes and polycarbonate translucent paneling. A “tray” system on the envelope allows a thin layer of earth (3 cm) to sustain a rolled lawn system. The inclined planes of the side walls and roof provide water drainage and hold the lawn over the structure. The rolled lawn represents a good insulating material system and a way to integrate the project with the landscape. A door and window at the end of the house allowing natural ventilation to cool the space. PV panels in amorphous mono and or polycrystalline silicon panels are anchored to the structure. The small prototype is economical, bio degradable and can be easily assembled in any surrounding to provide some additional greenery.
More images after the break.

Project Anna Rita Emili-Architect
Consultant Aldo Innocenzi Artist
Collaborators Pamela Ferri FilippoCamilli
Photo Emanuele Piccardo
Contractor Vivai Bindi Rome-rolled lawn Fedeli Laminate plastic panels
Read more about the lawn house here. Photographs, Emanuele Piccardo.