For the third selection of public facilities (check the first here, second here), we chose four projects from Spain and one from France. See all of them after the break.
Picos de Europa / Capilla-Vallejos Arquitectos The Picos de Europa (Peaks of Europe) forms an enormous karstic complex. Through the years, the action of water and ice on the limestone has generated spectacular canyons, glacial cirques, lakes and moraines. La Liébana is a region surrounded and protected by the three massifs of the Picos de Europa (read more…)
Exploitation Center for Forest Fire Fighters / N+B Architectes The exploitation center and the building for forest fire fighters, takes place on a site to be located in the very heart of a huge green zone. It is composed of hills covered with scrublands and with vast agricultural plains which transcribe the very specific character of this region. These natural elements are a major asset (read more…)
Sant Boi de Llobregat / BAAS The building is centered around three vertical bars separated by three courtyards on a plinth. Large skylights illuminate the ground-floor entrance hall. This hall acts as a focus point for all public areas and their vertical nuclei. The hearing rooms and the upper bars, one per room, of the judicial offices are situated on the plinth (read more…)
Senior Citizen Community Center / F451 Arquitectura This proposal is based on the redefinition of ready-made components and their assembly to try to optimize the environmental performance of the building as well as the possibility of recycling used elements. The building was based on dry construction, except the ground, and formally displayed in such a way that increases its capability to interact with the surroundings-both architecturally and environmentally (read more…)
Actur Library / Carroquino Finner Arquitectos Located in the intersection of the streets Pedro Laín Entralgo and Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, the Library appears before his immediate environment as an element with urban presence. Actur is a neighborhood in expansion from the 70-80`s, with a bland grid of big avenues and an intensive residential development (read more…)