Currently in construction, Sherbourne Park is built upon the abstraction of an iconic Canadian Great Lake landscape. Integral to the park is the Teeple Architects designed Pavilion. This 227m2 sculpturally shaped, zinc-clad structure will function both as an iconic moment in the park and as an abstracted arch that frames views to the lake. I
t will also serve as an urban connector that fuses the various elements of the park together. The Sherbourne Park Pavilion is an instrumental component of large scale initiatives to revitalize the City of Toronto’s waterfront.
Full architect’s description and more images after the break.
The pavilion provides covered seating, washroom and changing facilities for the rink/water feature as well as a concession for food and beverages. It also houses the rink chiller and UV filtration equipment. It is designed as a year round facility to help activate the park at all times – splash pool in summer, rink in winter.
The pavilion presents a dualism. On the one hand, it can be read as an iconic form – an exciting sculpture that one experiences along the waterfront, and on the other, as an urban moment – a framed connection between the park and the lake. The pavilion sets out to demonstrate that striking sculptural form and good urban design are not antithetical especially with important civic monuments.
The pavilion’s environmental approach is two fold. It plays a key role in purifying the storm water from the adjacent area while displaying its return to the lake. It houses UV filtration equipment and interacts with the purified stream by bridging over it, affecting its course and creating ripples in the stream. It also uses this water as a medium to assist in heating and cooling the pavilion. The pavilion, largely through these energy efficiency measures will achieve LEED Gold status.