Architects, Urban Planners, Engineers, and Activists with projects in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines are invited to send their proposals for an exhibition titled ‘SMART CITY: The Next Generation’. Organized by Aedes Architecture Forum, with the Goethe Institut/South-East Asia, under the guidance of curator Ulla Giesler, the exhibition will be held in Berlin at the their Architecture Forum between May and July 2013 within the framework of the Asia-Pacific-Week Berlin 2013. More information after the break.
They are seeking innovative architectural and urban Smart City Projects in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines that focus on the following aspects: human behavior, new construction technologies, sustainability and social cohesion in the urban context.
In the current discussion, Smart City refers mostly to the resilience of cities and their reaction towards local and global challenges such as flooding, limited resources and population explosion. Accessibility of knowledge and continuous adaptation serve as the modus for influencing new behaviors. Interactivity, sharing and technology are the new enablers in fields of urban planning and architecture. Our aim is, to present how the next generation of people (working in architecture, urban design and planning) can respond best.
Please send brief descriptions of either completed or planned architectural and urban projects (with short text plus images) by the end of January 2013 to Ms. Ulla Giesler at smart@aedes-arc.de. Do not forget to include your contact details.
Moreover, they would like to ask you to address the following questions:
How does your project “smarten up” your city? Why does your city need your project and what challenges are specific to your country-specific urban context? What are the new behaviors your building, planning, initiative encourages?
For more information, please visit here.