The proposal for the TBC Bank Headquarters by Studio Kalamar is composed of new facades, a vestibule, and a new landscape design to transform it from an old military headquarters building. Main volumes are enfolded in a skin of triangular glass elements of four similar shades of glass, each with a 2° difference of declination from a vertical plane of the façade, and each in a different direction. These fragments are reflections of the sky into many crystalline elements, producing a very dynamic effect. More images and architects’ description after the break.
The new skin enfolds the building in the distance of 1.0m from existing perimeter, creating a double ventilated façade system. The main vestibule is envisioned as a well proportioned but simple entrance hall, enveloped in fine golden lace of circular windows and structure. Shimmering light accompanies everyone who moves through the vestibule, providing a rich experience of serenity and energy. Above, three cupolas in the shape of wind trumpets reach for the skies. Vestibule is extended through the building, connecting it with the inner garden. Passing by the elevator groups, we enter the garden hall, descending to garden level where a café is arranged. Garden hall’s height (18 m) enables planting of intense vegetation, so that the garden can be enjoyed through the whole year.

The garden hall continues to the piazza paved with bright marble in the shade of existing trees, with a reflecting pool and a fountain. Main composition is derived from the building itself and is strong enough to allow for a less formal path layout, adapted to locations of existing trees and entrances to the building from garden level. Paths divide park into many smaller triangular spaces with different programs. Landscape around the building is not just a corporate landscape, but also a workspace with human attitude. Garden becomes an urban park with sculptures from bank’s present or future collections of Georgian and world sculpture heritage.

The long gap between the main building and the garage is transformed into an urban corso with circular elements, which functions as a lunch or cafe area for employees. Circular forms are either green (comprising genuine Georgian plants), hard (comprising genuine Georgian stones) or liquid (water elements, fountains), and rounded with benches or pergolas.

Architects: Andrej Kalamar, Studio Kalamar Location: Tbilisi, Georgia Co-author of Landscape Design: Bruto d.o.o. Client: TBC Bank Type: office Status: concept Area: 42,000 m2 Year of Competition: 2012