The Netherlands-based Cepezed Architects were recently appointed by the offices of the Hague Capital of Culture to design a temporary theater. The city strives to be named the European Capital of Culture in 2018, so the architects have created a contemporary version of the Roman Colosseum to become an important icon for the area.
More about the Colosseum after the break.
The theatre, which should accommodate approximately 5000 visitors, will sit in the Malieveld in the Hague, a stretch of lawn measuring ten hectares and positioned along the entrance of the city. Although inspired by most famed Flavian amphitheater, this contemporary theatre’s construction techniques are quite different from its ancestor. The theatre will be constructed using steel scaffolding, and a reproduction of M.C. Escher’s Metamorphosis will be stretched tightly over the frame. Inside, the theatre offers a large performing space for concerts, exhibitions and fairs.

Cepezed Architects’ design provides an opportunity to turn the competition in favor of the Hague for the European Capital of Culture title. The city will be competing against places such as Almere, Utrecht and Maastricht and all will be waiting anxiously to hear the final decision for the title announced in 2013.

As seen on Dexigner.