Located in Naples, the Piazza Garibaldi, designed by Dominique Perrault Architecture, is one of the most important and complex transportation hubs in the Neapolitan transportation system. This infrastructure project, which includes a metro station, offers the opportunity to upgrade this lively urban space bustling with activity. More images and architects’ description after the break.
Two stations share the piazza: open space, composed of urban parks, luxuriant gardens, large ponds, a protected area, a hypogeum covered with a large pergola and an open promenade with boutiques lining both sides. Though structurally and materially different, the new roof fits right into the alignment and the extension of the central station’s roof.

Composed of a series of eight metallic trees, in simple variations of three patterns, creates a framework resembling clusters of knotty and flexible bamboos talks. The covering is a vast prismatic surface composed of different types of perforated metal in varying densities, whose appearance is constantly changing.

Architects: Dominique Perrault Architecture Location: Naples, Italy Project Manager: Metropolitana di Napoli et Metropolitana de Milano, Naples Engineering: Nom Bollinger Bollinger + Grohmann, Francfort (structure) Client: Ti Metropolitana di Napoli, Ing. Giannegidio Silva Site Area: 59,000 m² Built Area: 21,000 m² Beginning of Conceptual Design: 2004 Beginning of Construction: 2006