New Finnish Architecture – The New Generation, taking place April 20-21 in New York, will include two events on young architects & architecture practices by Newly Dawn – Emerging Finnish Architects. The events introduce the most interesting young, up-and-coming Finnish architects and their latest projects, visions and ways of working. Social interaction, pleasant user experience and transparency have appeared as key elements in emerging Finnish architectural offices. The architects Janne Teräsvirta (ALA Architects), Anu Puustinen (Avanto Architects), Mikko Summanen (K2S Architects) and Tuomas Toivonen (NOW for Architecture and Urbanism) will offer a fresh look into some of their upcoming projects and the latest developments in Finnish architecture. More information on the events after the break.
International surveys in recent years have repeatedly ranked Helsinki as one of the best places in the world in which to live. The city’s advantages include its classic Nordic maritime scenery and its efficient infrastructure. At the same time, Helsinki is facing many challenges.
There is a rapid change in the urban structure of the Helsinki metropolitan area. Helsinki is going through a major process of renewal as former industrial and harbor areas are being transformed for new uses. Over the next decades the city will have a major task to improve the urban structure as new areas are planned and built. The population and the economic structure are changing as well. Helsinki citizens are getting older and are in need of new kinds of services. On the other hand, Helsinki is also becoming more international.
The unique competition culture provides new talent with opportunities to land powerful commissions in Finland. A significant percentage of the notable buildings in Finland have come about as a result of architectural competitions. The competitions are always anonymous and students can often enter as well. During the last decade, there has been a significant shift in the Finnish architectural field, as a new generation of young architects have established themselves by winning many recent architectural competitions in Finland and abroad.
In April 2012, a network of young Finnish architects, Newly Dawn – Emerging Finnish Architects, will organize two World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 satellite events in New York City in collaboration with the Architectural League of New York, the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter, the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York, the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture, the Consulate General of Finland in New York, and the Museum of Finnish Architecture.
New Finnish Architecture – The New Generation Friday April 20th, 2012, 6.30–8.30 pm Venue: Cooper Union, 41 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10003 Presented by the Architectural League, cosponsored by the Irwin S. Chain School of Architecture, The Cooper Union, and the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York.
Young architects belong to a global generation, internationally conscious, experienced and informed. While many ambitious architects have worked and studied abroad, and there is ample evidence of global trends and concepts applied in local contexts, it seems they seek to maintain a critical and enthusiastic relationship with both past and present traditions. At the same time they are focusing their efforts on enhancing and crafting their own approaches in practice. With broadened horizons and heightened expectations, we would like to invite all of you to participate in an ambitious architectural future; one that balances and connects bold goals with a humble quality, sensitive responsibility with fresh concepts, local traditions with new technology, common sense with elaborate skill, complex diversity with enlightened clarity, big ideas with intelligent details, good questions with relevant answers…
Lectures by Architects Janne Teräsvirta (ALA Architects), Anu Puustinen (Avanto Architects), Mikko Summanen (K2S Architects) and Tuomas Toivonen (NOW for Architecture and Urbanism), with opening remarks by Architect Aki Davidsson (Davidsson Tarkela Architects)
Helsinki – New York Roundtable Discussion Saturday April 21st, 2012, 1:00pm – 4:45pm Venue: The Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place, New York, NY 10012 Event hosted by the AIA New York Chapter and the Consulate General of Finland in New York.
The roundtable sessions will focus on sharing and comparing experiences of setting up an architectural practice in Helsinki and New York. Short presentations on the history and origins of each practice and their work will introduce 15 different perspectives into establishing and running an office. The participants will also discuss their architectural motives, influences, techniques and agendas. Opening remarks by Deputy Consul General Riitta Gerlander. Discussions moderated by Philipp von Dalwig and Marc Clemenceau Baily, Co-Chairs, AIA New Practices New York Committee, and Tuomas Toivonen.
Participants: Stella Betts, Levenbetts, Anu Puustinen, Avanto Architects, David Benjamin, The Living, Elizabeth Gray and Alan Organschi, Gray Organschi Architecture, Janne Teräsvirta, ALA Architects, Christopher Leong, Assoc. AIA, Leong Leong, Taryn Christoff, AIA and Martin Finio, AIA, Christoff Finio Architecture, Mikko Summanen, K2S Architects, Michael Szivos, Softlab, B. Alex Taylor, Taylor and Miller Architecture and Design, Kimmo Lintula, K2S Architects, Emily Abruzzo, Abruzzo Bodziak Architects, Andrew Berman, AIA, Andrew Berman Architect, Jonus Ademovic, Archipelagos.
5:00pm – 7:00pm URBANISM IN THE HOUSE – Architectural performance by architect/musician Tuomas Toivonen Tuomas Toivonen is a Helsinki based musician, writer and architect. ‘URBANISM IN THE HOUSE’ is Mr. Toivonen’s rap about architecture and urban planning. The record is a smart history of modern architecture and urbanism, delivered in Tuomas’ Finnish-accented rap and set to a metronomic house backdrop. Toivonen points out that house is the most architectural of genres, after all …
and Exhibition NEWLY DRAWN – Emerging Finnish Architects The exhibition offers an easy access to new Finnish architecture. Exhibition visitors will get to know the architects, and learn about their working methods and sources of inspiration through video presentations and interviews. The young designers will lead the viewers on an architectural journey, from sketches and studio culture, to construction sites and finished buildings. Exhibition on view at the Center for Architecture April 1st – April 30th, 2012.
For more information, please contact: Martta Louekari, Producer World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 +358-40-5284818 martta.louekari@wdchelsinki2012.fi