Studio-X, which is GSAPP’s (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation) global network of advanced research laboratories for exploring the future of cities as part of Columbia University, will be putting on the ‘x-WEEK’ event which takes place March 6-9. The event, which is free to the public, traces a panorama on contemporary architectural thinking and design through a broad program at Studio-X Rio. More information on the event after the break.
With locations in Amman, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, New York, and Rio de Janeiro, Studio-X is the first truly global network for real-time exchange of projects, people, and ideas between regional leadership cities in which the best minds from Columbia University can think together with the best minds in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia. Each of the Studio-X acts as a catalyst and hub for its corresponding region, through which flows the great challenges of these cities.
Studio-X Rio has the support of EBX Group and the City of Rio, through the Cultural Heritage Subsecretary.
March 6th 7:30PM Exhibition Opening BARRA MEGAMIX An exhibition showcasing visions for new urban typologies for Barra da Tijuca by GSAPP’s Studio Sangue Bom students, using as testing groung the site of Terra Encantada, a former amusement park site. The studio was conducted by Keith Kaseman and Raul Correa-Smith.
March 7th, Wednesday 3PM Roundtable VISIONS FOR BARRA DA TIJUCA The roundtable will discuss visions on the future of Barra da Tijuca, through the relations between public space, ecology and mobility. Guests Carlos Eduardo Nunes Ferreira, UNESA Carlos Vergara, artista plástico Cláudia Franco Correa, UniverCidade Keith Kaseman, Studio Sangue Bom Raul Correa-Smith, Studio Sangue Bom
March 7th, Wednesday 7PM HU Movie Projection and conversation with directors Pedro Urano & Joana Traub Cseko “A symmetrically divided building: on one side, an important public hospital, on the other, a bewildering ruin. On the horizon, Rio de Janeiro, public health, education and Brazil’s aged modern project. Shot entirely in the monumental and only partially occupied modernist edifice of the University Hospital of UFRJ. A material metaphor of the Brazilian public sphere and its political maze. A synthesis architecturally expressed of the modernist utopia/dystopia.” doc | 78min | Brasil | 2011] Conversation with Pedro Urano and Joana Traub Cseko, directors and others
March 8th 7PM ARCHITECTURE TODAY / DAY 1 Lecture series presenting a global panorama of architectural practices today.
BLAC João Pedro Backhauser, Brazil Projects The carioca office BLAC, in a joint-venture with the calatan architect Alonso Balaguer, has won the competition for the 2016 Olympic Games Midia Village.
nARCHITECTS Eric Bunge & Mimi Hoang ,USA Buildings and Almost Buildings nARCHITECTS brings an open-ended approach to the design process based on conceptual clarity and technical innovation. Some of their work includes the Switch Building, in New York, and the Canopy installation at MoMA / P.S.1, as part of the Young Architects Program.
JUERGEN MAYER H., Germany Activators Juergen Mayer works at the intersection of architecture, communication and new technology. Recent projects include a student center at Karlsruhe and the redevelopment of the Plaza de la Encarnación in Sevilla, also known as Urban Parasol.
CAMPO aud, Brazil Processes CAMPO aud is a young carioca office that aims to experiment new working methodologies based on intense collaboration and in multidisciplinary environments, reflected through the composition of its members and the different scales at which it operates.
FAKE INDUSTRIES Urtzi Grau, USA Copies Copies allow us to explore all the potential left unexplored by other’s rush. Knowledge can be public, yet undiscovered, if independently created fragments are logically related but never retrieved, brought together, or re-conceptualized. And that is what we do. Don’t ask us for new stuff, we copy.
HERREROS ARQUITECTOS Juan Herreros, Spain Dialogue Architecture Juan Herreros is the principal of Herreros Architects and was founder of Ábalos & Herreros. He teaches at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Columbia University. Some of his works include the Grand Tour, at Canary Islands, and the recent first prize in the competition Ágora Bogotá, in Colombia.
Venue Studio-X Rio Praça Tiradentes, 48 Centro Rio de Janeiro studioxrio@columbia.edu
Contact Pedro Rivera, director 21 8208 8218 rivera@rualab.com