The Department of Landscape Architecture at Penn State is announcing a call for the inaugural A.E. Bye / Landscape Architecture Archives Research Fellow for the calendar year 2012. The Fellowship provides a $2,500 stipend for a minimum of one week of archival research in the Eberly Family Special Collections Library at Penn State’s University Park campus in State College, Pennsylvania. The records (drawings, papers, photographs, and videos) of the celebrated twentieth-century American landscape architect A. E. Bye ( as well as those of landscape architects John Bracken and Stuart Mertz) are held at Penn State and the deadline is March 7th, 2012. More information after the break.
The research must be completed in calendar year 2012 with a requirement for a subsequent dissemination of the research in the form of a public presentation, essay, or small publication to be delivered within six months after the archival research period. Penn State will consider additional funding for particularly ambitious and meritorious research dissemination.
Applications in the form of a letter of interest that defines the parameters of the research, including anticipated dates, should be submitted to the e-mail address below. The letter should not exceed two pages and must be accompanied with a current curriculum vitae with e-mail contact information. The Fellowship is open to scholars, professionals, and researchers in all disciplines. Ph.D. candidates and above are welcome to apply but students are not eligible.
The Archives Research Fellow will receive an honorarium of $2,500 at the beginning of the research period. The stipend will be used at the discretion of the Research Fellow to cover transportation, lodging, and all other costs. Any amount remaining from expenses shall be retained by the Research Fellow. The Department of Landscape Architecture will provide administrative support during the research period.
The Fellowship is funded through the Landscape Architecture Chair in Integrative Design at the H. Campbell and Eleanor R. Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.
Applications are due on or before March 7, 2012. Applicants will be notified of the selected Fellow on or before March 28, 2012. Selection will be made by a committee of the department head and appointed faculty. Inquiries and Fellowship applications (PDF, less than 2Mb) should be sent via e-mail to: Kelly Riser, Penn State Department of Landscape Architecture,
For more information, please visit here.