I, modernism, being of sound mind and having a firm understanding of what should be, do solemnly swear to ignore the needs of poor people and democrats.
I, modernism, will not knowingly or unintentionally promote the excessive ornamentation favored by the nostalgic and simple-minded.
I, modernism will remain pure, and separate, loosening my tie, only after a few drinks, or when feeling comfortable, or under the influence of a potential high-profile client.
I, modernism, will be new…. again.
I, modernism, will embody the aspirations of the elite, assuming they continue to finance my efforts.
I, modernism, will reflect the truth, as I have defined it.
I, modernism, will seem straight-forward, imply clarity, promise simplicity, and take a long time to acquire.
I, modernism, will be better than that which is not modernism.
I, modernism, will be costly in my attempts to be cost-effective.
I, modernism, being of sound mind and body, will be relevant, relatively speaking.
I, modernism, will begin with a simple idea, and will remind you of this as things begin to become complicated.
I, modernism, will be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent, and ALWAYS help I.M. Pei cross the street.
I, modernism, will be simple, unless given too much time to think about it.
I, modernism, will be….
photos are from seier+seier’s photostream on flickr (used under creative commons license)