Portuguese architect, Eduardo Souto de Moura, was recently honored with an exhibition that took place this summer at the Álvaro Siza-designed Porto Faculty of Architecture (FAUP) which was arranged by curators André Campos and Pedro Guedes Oliveira. The exhibition, Eduardo Souto de Moura-Competitions 1979-2010, is a tribute to a specific design approach and working method. More images and exhibition information after the break.
Twenty years worth of drawings accompanied a collection of models and photographs that document fifty competition entries.Chests of drawers made from oriented strand board displayed the models alongside working drawings, construction photographs and additional sketches.

Instead of focusing on built projects and shiny photographs of the final product, the idea of the organisers André Campos and Pedro Guedes de Oliveira was to reveal the intense and sometimes obsessed working process behind this architect “ouvre”.In the two room exhibition gallery of Álvaro Siza’s Architecture School we can check for sketches, physical models, accurate drawings, photomontages, photographs and historic data of 50 projects prepared for competitions between 1979 and 2010.

Exhibition: Eduardo Souto de Moura – Competitions 1979 – 2010 Venue: Exhibition Gallery – FAUP Dates: June 9th through September 9th 2011 Committee: Francisco Barata e/and André Campos Coordination and Organization: Eduardo Souto de Moura, Francisco Barata, Alberto Lage, André Campos e/and Pedro Guedes de Oliveira Secretary: Pedro França Exhibition Design and Project: R2 Photographs: Luís Ferreira Alves e/and Arménio Teixeira Models: MG Maquetes