More information on these projects and the scheduled events after the break.
2011 Buckminster Fuller Challenge Finalist Presentations
When: Wednesday June 8th, 6-8pm Where: Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016 map Keynote Speaker: Amsterdam-based Doors of Perception founder and internationally renowned design pioneer, John Thackara
The finalists are:
Blue Ventures – Ocean Restoration in Madagascar

An integrated approach to empowering one of the world’s poorest coastal communities in Madagascar, resulting in a proven biological and economic case for conservation management as a tool for restocking depleted fisheries and safeguarding ecosystem resilience.
FrontlineSMS – Connecting the Remote Developing World to the Communication Grid

Provides organizations in remote, rural regions of the developing world with software that turns a laptop into a mass messaging hub, without any need for Internet connectivity.
Participatory Mapping as a Means of Protecting Forests in the Congo Basin

Empowering indigenous forest communities in the Congo Basin to produce accurate, geo-referenced community maps of their territories so that they can navigate local laws and relationships with companies and governments in order to protect their land and resources.
TARA Akshar+ - Combating Women’s Illiteracy in India

Empowers illiterate women in India by teaching them to read, write, and count in just 98 hours over 49 days, providing them with crucial skills to be self sufficient and improve the quality of life within their communities.
Urban Solution Sets – Visionary Strategies for the Future of Cities
When: Thursday June 9th, 2-4pm Where: Center for Architecture, AIA, 536 LaGuardia Place New York, NY 10012 map
This event will be bringing together urban educators, planners and developers to explore the notion of urban solution sets as a framework to consider advancement around practices that impact the generation/regeneration of our cities, as a result of reviewing entries through the unique lens of the Buckminster Fuller Challenge criteria.
Announcement and Presentation of $100,000 to the Winner of the 2011 Buckminster Fuller Challenge
When: Friday June 10th, 6-8pm Where: Proshansky Auditorium, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016 map Keynote Speaker: David Orr, distinguished professor and author and one of the world’s thought leaders in environmental design.