Today at 1pm SCI-Arc will feature Mohamed Sharif: Recent Work. Sharif, principal of Sharif Studio is also a faculty member of SCI-Arc. Prior to joining SCI-Arc, he was Assistant Chair of the Architecture/Landscape/Interiors department at Otis for two years and has taught at schools including his alma mater and RISD since 1994.
Lectures and discussions are held at W.M. Keck Lecture Hall and are broadcast live online. Parking and admission are free, no reservations are required.
Between 1997-2008, Sharif worked with significant practices including Koning Eizenberg, where he was associate from 2005 to 2008. Between 2007-2009, he was President of the LA Forum. His essays have been published in journals and periodicals including 306090, arq, Constructs and Log. He serves on the editorial board of arq (Architectural Research Quarterly; Cambridge University Press).
Sharif was awarded graduate (with highest distinction) and undergraduate degrees from the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture in Aberdeen, Scotland (1993, 1994) and was an exchange student at IIT in Chicago in 1990-’91. His undergraduate dissertation “On Venturi and Scott Brown” was awarded an RIBA prize and retained in its permanent collection.