Already mobilizing teams in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto, Architecture for Humanity has begun to initiate an immediate response to the Sendai earthquake and tsunami. Currently AFH is searching for individuals to join a coalition to update foreign nationals in Japan with the latest information regarding unfolding events (currently being done via twitter #honyaquake).
A transitional phase, in the first four months, will focus on raising funds for reconstruction efforts and provide initial assessments, all the while coordinating with JIA and professional building associations. A reconstruction phase will then follow for the next two years specifically working on a small scale building projects for local community organizations, which is where AFH feels they can make the greatest impacts. Initial goals are to raise $200,000 to build the first of these projects.
Architecture for Humanity Timeline March: Local team assembled (underway) April: community organization identified (underway) May/June: design and development Aug-Nov: Construction documentation Dec-Feb: Construction Begins Spring 2012: Project 1 completed
Keep updated with AFH’s program updates here on ArchDaily, following us on twitter @archdaily, along with @archforhumanity and Osaka chapter organizer Kana Kondo at @koncham.
Architecture for Humanity has been working in post disaster reconstruction since 1999 and has designed and built hundreds of homes, schools, clinics and community facilities for those affected. To date they have worked in long term reconstruction efforts in Burma, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Pakistan, Chile, Haiti and the United States. On Average they spend 4 years on our rebuilding effort – We are the last responders. We don’t offer hope, we build solutions.