Architect: Javier Rodriguez Acevedo Location: Los Niches, Curico, Chile Project Area: 21 sqm Budget: US $525 Project Year: 2010 Photographs: Javier Rodriguez Acevedo
“ … Lying down the tender stars like the holes of a poor circus…
I don’t expect to see, but this shadows that walk the fences, searching for my shadow …”
Teillier / Night trains
In the search of a certification project, it found an agricultural company located in the north riverside of Lontué river that required an agricultural dining for their employees who work in season from pruning, thinning and harvesting. More strong in the third one, between the months of January and March.

Then, is needed a dining that meets the conditions specially in summer, wich means an improvement in the conditions of the workers that currently are eating lunch on the floor.
Inquiring in the Rural

Make appear something in the country side, requires certain laws to achieve volume crimping fit in an area seemingly without measure. Looking at the field, ‘the rural’, it finds that one of the most radical differences with the urban, as feelings, it has to do with the long of the sight.
Unlike to the urban and constant submergence between walls, tambourines, zinc coated, poles, etc. The condition of rural is related with the long of the sight, the considerable distance that everyday it’s experimented between where I stand and what can I see from there. Accompanied by a sky-land relationship in which strongly tend to gather.
It deals with the rural just from it’s pre-existing constructive and not beyond. In the sense of how it builds, the way in which the things are resolved. It recaptures the extraordinary sense of the buildings addressing with the functional above all and the implicit beauty that is showed unconscious in the most of the anonymous constructions, transaction that exceeds any formalism.

Also the images indicate that the rural and the way of buildings has no more desire to be a good construction with what I have on my hands, without speeches, things that accuse all the distances compared to the materials and typical techniques that today is built, which inevitably brings up the cleverness of the farmer combined with the subject.
Looking at the country living is perceived a certain disorder, which is determined by the the blurring boundaries, mixed, with walls that reach their thickness from the stack of things away from strict rigors space. This condition changes dramatically when is about the work, are sowing, planting or any other of the tasks that determine it. So, in the house of a farmer it can apply label that say a lack of control, but not like that to his job.

Before of any idea, the projective premise was to do a point, not a line, or a design. Looking for the concentration of the economic resources with a certain way, where generally under the custom and especially under the certification project, it scarce.
To project, we attempt to take each of the conditions showed in the investigation. From how it projects, with what, and how.
About the long of the sight is fundamental the quantity of the enclosure that provides to the project, where it’s looks a minimum of contention that allows the good food and the hidden rest. Besides of the emergent condition, the visual domain of the landscape where it’s located. The balance between these two points, appears like one of the main clues about how much and how the air is enclosed.
As to the order of the country, it’s understood that the rural landscape in general is formed through a constant balance between the order and the disorder, the project search to insert in the surrounding landscape making a radical counterpoint in place. By the order of the poles of the vineyard and it’s clear sky, is contrasted with the uneven rocks and a restless mesh. To the growth disorder of the vines and plant mass, contrast a narrow wooden deck, orthogonal.

The project seeks no more than resolve a request from the rural, through the material and the “liquid appearances’’ surrounding, once again, about what I have, a near river that translate to rocks, wood waste bins, 4 eucalyptus poles, mesh and a lot of tense wire.
The objective will always be the good food, between the wind and under a good shade, conditions that in the field and between the day, are appreciated.