For Jenn Kennedy’s recent publication, Success by Design, the author/photographer has chosen to explore how architectural firms survive the trials and tribulations of the fluctuating market. It is a focused work outlining the history of 25 architectural firms scattered across California. The book offers great insight for starting a firm, provides inspiration to persevere during difficult times, and truly allows the personalities of the architects to shine through.
More about the book after the break.
The book is organized into short chapters, each focusing on a particular architecture firm. These chapters present a timeline of events which takes the reader through the architects’ early beginnings up through their current work.

Because the highlighted firms are so diverse, the content includes a broad range of design philosophies and experiences, as is reflected in the firms’ work and comments.

One of our favorite comments is from the interview with Barry Berkus, AIA, President of Berkus Design Studio as he states “Have confidence in yourself. As an artist, record the time you live in and tell stories through your work…passion is what’s going to take you to the other end.”

Whether discussing what type of houses the architects grew up in, their first responsibilities as interns, or how to begin a company with just a few hundred dollars, the book is quite interesting and allows the reader to connect with the architects. Each interview flows naturally, yet, each branches in its own direction as the architects reflect and share their different experiences. The book presents a broad sampling of California talent and is an enjoyable read for those interested in a more personal reflection of the firms.

It should also be noted that Kennedy photographed the architects.

Firm interviewed include:
Barry Berkus of Berkus Design Studio
Borris Dramov, FAIA, President of ROMA Design Group
Steven Ehrlich, FAIA, Design Principal of Ehrlich Architects
Richard Emsiek, AIA, President and COO of McLarand Vasquez Emsiek & Partners
Elisa Garcia, President of Garcia Architects
Art Gensler, FAIA, Chairman of Gensler
Craig Hodgetts, FAIA, Creative Director and Hsinming Fung, AIA, Director of Design at Hodgetts and Fung Design and Architecture
Michael Johnson, AIA, Design Principal of Carrier Johnson + Culture
Stephen Kanner, FAIA, President of Kanner Architects
Ray Kappe, FAIA, President of Kappe Architects
Hank Koning, FAIA, Founding Principal and Julie Eizenberg, AIA, Founding Principal of Koning Eizenberg
Dan Meis, FAIA, Senior Principal of Populous
David Mourning, President and CEO of IA Interior Architects
Barton Myers, FAIA, President of Barton Myers Associates
Ed Niles, FAIA, President of Edward R. Niles Architect
Juan Diego Perez-Vargas, Principal of KMD Architects
Simon Perkowitz, AIA, CEO and President and Steve Ruth, AIA, Executive Vice President of Perkowitz+Ruth Architects
Randy Peterson, FAIA, President and CEO of HMC Architects
Michael Patrick Porter, AIA, President of Michael Patrick Porter Architect
Beverly Prior, FAIA, Principal of Beverly Prior Architects
Lauren Rottet, FAIA, Founding Principal and Richard Riveire, AIA, Prinicpal of Rottet Studios
Don Sandy, FAIA, President of Sandy Babcock
Rob Steinberg, FAIA, President of Steinberg Architects
Erik Sueberkrop, FAIA, Chairman of STUDIOS Architecture
Allison Williams, FAIA, Principal of Perkins + Will