Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier

Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Table, Chair, BeamHoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Beam, WindowsHoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Closet, Beam, BedroomHoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Chair, Beam, WindowsHoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - More Images+ 24

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Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Closet, Beam, Bedroom
Courtesy of k59 atelier

Text description provided by the architects. Hoi An house renovation project in a new urban area: Cam Ha, the area is quite far from the center of Hoi An Ancient Town. The project focuses on experiencing a new space but still retaining the characteristics of Old Quarter wooden houses. Wooden Houses in Hoi An Ancient Town are under special conservation status by the UNESCO Committee. The Chinese and Vietnamese merchants built houses in the old town from the 17th to the 19th centuries. The house has a brick wall structure and wooden frame constructed and passed down from many generations.

Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Chair, Beam, Windows
Courtesy of k59 atelier
Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Table, Chair, Beam
Courtesy of k59 atelier
Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Image 24 of 29
Floor Plan 01
Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Bedroom, Chair, Bathtub
Courtesy of k59 atelier

A simple lifestyle with many open spaces (yards, common areas) helps connect households within the house. Many multi-generational families use the house, and the division of living and sleeping rooms with wooden doors and curtains can be seen everywhere. The door has upper wooden bars, and the solid wooden panel below helps users observe the outside while being discreet from the inside. The boundaries between inside and outside the house, inside the room and outside the room, seem blurred and difficult to distinguish.

Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Beam, Windows
Courtesy of k59 atelier
Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Image 26 of 29
Section 01
Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography
Courtesy of k59 atelier
Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Image 29 of 29

Through the survey and evaluation process, we want to remind ourselves of the unique values of the Old Quarter wooden houses but still adapt it to the modern existing structure house. The project was implemented over a relatively long period with three main ideas: Reuse existing materials and structures, change existing traffic, and divide space with frames: wood and fabric. The concrete stairs were replaced with auxiliary areas (toilets and storage).

Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Beam, Windows
Courtesy of k59 atelier

The 2nd floor is cut away to create an atrium combined with a wooden staircase; This creates a connection between the two floors. The private rooms all have verandas and transition spaces before opening up to the common area to create multiple layers of usable space. The walls are repaired and renovated to serve the new place without additional painting or plastering.

Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Windows, Facade
Before and After. Image Courtesy of k59 atelier
Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Interior Photography, Windows
Before and After. Image Courtesy of k59 atelier

Through the house renovation project in Hoi An, the project wants to demonstrate the importance of using existing data and materials and reviewing and evaluating them before proceeding with design and construction.

Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier - Exterior Photography, Windows, Garden
Courtesy of k59 atelier

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Project location

Address:Cẩm Hà, Hội An, Quảng Nam, Vietnam

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
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Cite: "Hoi An House Renovation / k59 atelier" 15 Sep 2023. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1006812/hoi-an-house-renovation-k59-atelier> ISSN 0719-8884

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