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Michael Chyutin: The Latest Architecture and News

Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem / Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Jacques Dahan, Ariel Noyman

Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem / Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Jacques Dahan, Ariel Noyman - Image 15 of 4
Courtesy of Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Jacques Dahan, Ariel Noyman

The Museum of Tolerance, designed by Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Jacques Dahan, and Ariel Noyman is located at the heart of modern Jerusalem, in its rejuvenated city center, on the borderline between the spacious Independence Park, and the urban built environment. The location is a meeting site of three main streets which differ in character and function. Hillel street: a bustling commercial zone; Moshe Ben Israel street: a road crossing the park; and Moshe Salomon street- Nachalat Shiva’s pedestrian mall, a tourist hub, full of restaurants and shops. More images and architects’ description after the break.