Seven Lakes Office / ASWA

Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Exterior PhotographySeven Lakes Office / ASWA - Exterior PhotographySeven Lakes Office / ASWA - Interior PhotographySeven Lakes Office / ASWA - Exterior PhotographySeven Lakes Office / ASWA - More Images+ 24

  • Architects: ASWA
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  240
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022
  • Photographs
    Photographs:Phuttipan Aswakool
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Ikea, Knauf, Rockworth, Sesia
  • Lead Architects: Phuttipan Aswakool, Chotiros Techamongklapiwat
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Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Exterior Photography
© Phuttipan Aswakool

Text description provided by the architects. ASWA designed a new office with an irregular-shaped construction inspired by their product, a vacuum skin packaging film for the food industry. The unformed functional space conveys the concept of a variable appearance following the shape of an object it wraps. The office has two courtyards; a greenery court and a water court, which allow natural light to shine into the space.

Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Exterior Photography
© Phuttipan Aswakool
Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Image 25 of 29
Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Table, Chair, Countertop
© Phuttipan Aswakool

Sevenlakes company is the creative office that leads in the food packaging in Thailand and is a specialist in thermoforming packaging for flexible packaging. ASWA offer the idea of how to represent their new headquarters which architecturally starts from their product. The interior space of 230 sq.m. fits for 6-8 staff seating, ten seat meeting room, and the area for the managing director room.

Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Interior Photography, Windows
© Phuttipan Aswakool
Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Image 28 of 29

Approximately 400 square meters, the site is close to the Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok and is surrounded by a low-rise residential building and empty low land. The new office tends to amplify their product, the thermoforming packaging, and translate into an architectural language. The triangular volume with the trapezoid plan shape comes from the idea of thermoforming packaging, followed by the functional inside. The highest volume of 6 meters is next to the roadside for the staff area, which fits 6-8 people, and the ceiling is inclined to a meeting room and a managing director room.

Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Interior Photography, Windows, Forest
© Phuttipan Aswakool
Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Image 26 of 29
Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Image 21 of 29
© Phuttipan Aswakool

The steel structure is selected for a structural design to play a prominent role in this project because it can provide an irregular shape with a wide span. The exterior material of black trapezoid volume with two scoop courtyards is a metallic black aluminum composite that clads all over the building to perform as a single sheet wrapping material like the company's thermoforming packaging product.

Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Exterior Photography, Chair
© Phuttipan Aswakool

The functional layout can separate into three parts: the staff area on the left side, the meeting area on the center, and the managing director's room on the right side. The entrance is on the oblique side of the trapezoid plan, which has a deck for the welcome area and a curved background wall that allows staff to relax during their break time or after work. The first glimpse of the space, when entering inside, is the surprising scoop greenery courtyard with natural light providing for the staff area, while the meeting room shares a view on the shortened side. Besides the big yard, this building still has another surprising scoop pool court for the managers to enjoy with their children during the

Seven Lakes Office / ASWA - Exterior Photography
© Phuttipan Aswakool

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Project location

Address:Bangkok, Thailand

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
About this office
Cite: "Seven Lakes Office / ASWA" 02 Jun 2022. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

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