Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA

Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - Image 2 of 9Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - Image 3 of 9Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - Image 4 of 9Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - Image 5 of 9Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - More Images+ 4

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Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - Image 6 of 9
© Einar Aslaksen

Text description provided by the architects. Storyline Studio (previously Norsk Film) has been in the same location since the beginning of the Norwegian film industry in 1935. This project is for a new facility in the center of Oslo that gives proximity and easy access to film, TV, and commercial productions in the city's center.

Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - Image 2 of 9
© Einar Aslaksen

The site is a 1000m2 interior of a former storage facility with 5-meter ceilings. The program consists of a check-out area, a reference cinema, an optics lab, office space, and a social area connected to a river outside. We have always been very interested in both the theatrics and the precision spaces for production, so the idea of this project for the camera department of Storyline was to reverse the role of who is in front and back of the camera, creating a stage for the camera crews to work on. 

Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - Image 9 of 9

The project aims to clarify the large open situation by dividing the room in half. Half being camera checkout and half being the program we add. This maintains the potential of the large room for flexible use and gives an efficient and safe area for daily work. The structure is clearly expressed as steel, with various degrees of transparency in the materials filled in. The structure is unpainted bolted I-beam profiles assembled quickly on-site, enabling the project to come together from the first sketch to completion in 5 months.

Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - Image 4 of 9
© Einar Aslaksen

The palette had to be mainly white so as not to disturb the calibration of the cameras. Also, it gives a sense of lightness to the workers, who are used to working in these semi-industrial and enclosed spaces. However, we used bright colors behind the frosted PVC panels and in the ceiling of different work areas to mark different zones and play with the theatrics of the space -very much like one would on a stage.

Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA - Image 3 of 9
© Einar Aslaksen

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Project location

Address:Oslo, Norway

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About this office
Cite: "Storyline Studios / Vatn Architecture + GROMA" 04 Jan 2016. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

© Einar Aslaksen

挪威Storyline 电影工作室 / Studio Vatn + GROMA

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