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  2. Pennabilli

Pennabilli: The Latest Architecture and News

Call for Participants: Paesaggi Migranti Workshop

After recently organizing an artist residency, http://paesaggimigranti-17.com/">Paesaggi Migranti / Migrant Landscapes is hosting an international workshop taking place later in May in Pennabilli, a small town of an Italian dreamscape.

Open Call: Camera Obscura in Pennabilli [Italy]

Collettivo Migrante has launched a call for projects for the design of a temporary installation: a 'treasure room' for Pennabilli, an ancient hamlet in the Romagna Appennines (Italy). The installation will be active during the International Street Art Festival "Artisti in Piazza" (1-5 June 2016). The device will be used as a camera obscura during the day and as performance space during the night.