Trends Report: Recycling Spaces

Certain topics in ArchDaily become a trend when our users begin to search for the same information or show more interest in one topic in relation to others. Architecture and Construction Industry started to worry about issues as important as recycling and environmental awareness, that is why there has been a considerable increase in the searches of the concepts related to this topic.

How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Building Materials to Architects

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with more than 1 billion users searching and discovering new images, videos, brands, businesses, and content every day. According to Instagram’s User Survey, 60% of people stated they discover new products on Instagram, and more than 200 million Instagrammers stated that they visit at least one Business Profile daily.

Trends Report: Inclusive Design

As users of ArchDaily demonstrate certain affinities and greater interest in particular subjects, these topics emerged as trends. Inclusive Architecture was one of the most searched concepts on ArchDaily in 2018.

6 Thoughts On Materials and Construction: Decisions That Improve People's Quality Of Life

Materials, products, and construction systems are constantly evolving and following new technologies, discoveries, and market trends. The question is: are we, as architects, evolving with them? We have heard about robots working on construction sites, responsive and intelligent materials and the continued rise of 3D printing, but is it all white noise at the moment of starting a new design? More importantly, could these new systems continue to progress without sensitively and effectively taking people's quality of life into account?

Trends Report: Gender Equality

As users of ArchDaily demonstrate certain affinities and greater interest in particular subjects, these topics emerged as trends. Gender Equality is one of the trends that will influence urban and architectural discussion in 2019.

Trends Report: Comfort in Architecture

ArchDaily has become the most consulted architecture website in the world and the volume of our traffic reveals key data about the topics that architects consider relevant. In the past few months, user behavior has shown a growing interest in various concepts related to comfort in architecture.

The Year in Numbers: Looking Forward to What 2019 Will Offer

2019 will be a strong year for architecture and construction, moving between the challenges of building the cities of tomorrow and the fast digitalization of our industry. To face these challenges, we will work hard to continue being the main source of inspiration and discovery for the millions of architects who use ArchDaily every day, from all over the world.

How to Generate Content That’s Interesting for Architects (Part 3: The title is Key)

In our last two articles we’ve given you a set of tips for presenting your products and materials to architects through content that they value so that you can develop interest in your brand. This strategy is called Content Marketing and its purpose is to give such useful information that potential clients become loyal to your products. Content Marketing can take the form of online articles, videos and tutorials that target a specific audience.

How to Generate Content That’s Interesting for Architects (Part 2: Include Technical Material)

In our previous article we wrote about the importance of standing out from the competition by generating content that readers find valuable; this will ensure that they associate your brand with engaging instruction--and hopefully turn them into a loyal client!

How to Generate Content That’s Interesting for Architects (Part 1: Use a topic of interest related to your product)

As marketing shifts away from its earlier, more traditional format, it’s almost unthinkable that a company solely try to reach potential clients though conventional ads. And if we’re talking about reaching architects, this is even more unimaginable.

The Relationship Between Architects and Building Materials and Products

For the architect, there is perhaps no greater frustration than realizing--at the end of the construction process--that the quality of the materials selected to complete the project, or the way in which said materials were installed, compromise the overall vision of the finished architecture. So it makes sense that architects are becoming more actively involved in the construction process; they understand that it can make a difference regarding their competition. Building materials manufacturers should really take advantage of the detailed-driven architect’s involvement in order to generate a productive relationship that begins way before construction starts. Manufacturers have a great role to play in the creative process.

3 Essential Characteristics of Architects who are 45 and under

If you want to understand the interests, aspirations and behaviors of architects that are 45-and-under, just perusing Bjarke Ingels' Instagram is an interesting and highly educational exercise… don’t worry, we already did the job for you.