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Build LLC: The Latest Architecture and News

How to Get Hired at an Architecture Firm - Five Simple Steps

How to Get Hired at an Architecture Firm - Five Simple Steps - Featured Image
Photo by thinkpanama

These five points were compiled by, BUILD LLC, a small architecture firm that recently expanded their office from 4 employees to 5. So what inspired the partners at BUILD to take on a junior architect after receiving numerous resumes? The hints lay within these five points, which may not be for everyone, but give an idea of what will make a candidate stand out among the rest.

BUILD offers a disclaimer: “This is not the politically correct version -this is the down in the trenches, get ‘er done version.”

Catch the points after the break.

Video: Beauty of Design featuring Build LLC

This video features the architecture firm Build LLC, as they discuss the beauty in developing designs through different means: visiting other places, eating good food, meeting new people. It discusses the value in learning from the environment around us and developing one’s own designs based on one’s everyday experiences. They discuss the psychology of our environment and what it means to design interior space for various climates, particularly areas like the North American Northwest were six months out of the year people are indoors because of the cold and rainy seasons.