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  2. el-bajo-ampurdan

el-bajo-ampurdan: The Latest Architecture and News

Gallery House / Tallerdarquitectura

Gallery House / Tallerdarquitectura - Interior Photography, DetailGallery House / Tallerdarquitectura - Interior Photography, Detail, Door, FacadeGallery House / Tallerdarquitectura - Interior Photography, Detail, FacadeGallery House / Tallerdarquitectura - Interior Photography, DetailGallery House / Tallerdarquitectura - More Images+ 9

El Bajo Ampurdán, Spain

Shelter of a Wall House / Agora Arquitectura

Shelter of a Wall House / Agora Arquitectura - Interior Photography, Houses, Beam, Facade, Arch, DoorShelter of a Wall House / Agora Arquitectura - Interior Photography, Houses, Beam, Facade, Door, ChairShelter of a Wall House / Agora Arquitectura - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade, HandrailShelter of a Wall House / Agora Arquitectura - Interior Photography, Houses, Bedroom, Beam, Door, Table, ChairShelter of a Wall House / Agora Arquitectura - More Images+ 18

El Bajo Ampurdán, Spain
  • Architects: Agora Arquitectura
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  861 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021