Handset Stone Facade in Siemens Global HQ | Hofmann Facades Group
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  4. Handset Stone Facade in Siemens Global HQ

Handset Stone Facade in Siemens Global HQ | Hofmann Facades Group

  • Use

    Facade cladding
  • Applications

    Corporate, offices, exterior, interior
  • Characteristics

    Quarried natural stone, customizable appearance, highly durable, maintenance free, sustainable
  • Certification

    DGNB Platinum and LEED Platinum

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More about this product

Siemens is the world's largest supplier of sustainable technology, with its global headquarters located in the heart of Munich. The ground floor is open to the public and acts as a connecting link to the city which strengthens the German company's historical ties to Munich. In reference to Siemens' dedication to providing environmentally conscious technologies, the building is designed with highly sustainable materials.

Design Concept

Siemens' HQ combines state-of-the-art architecture with advanced building technology. On the outside, the building includes various inner green courtyards which allow citizens and tourists to cross from Munich's historic city center into the museum quarter. With 1,200 employees, the building contains various offices and quiet zones that allow for a range of work, from small private meetings to large conferences, creating a collaborative work environment.

Natural Stone Facade Cladding

To complement the HQ's sustainable design, Hofmann's limestone panels are used on the facade to create a modern aesthetic while providing numerous environmental benefits. With various selections and finishes, Hofmann's limestone gives designers customizable options. The stone can be used for facade application in any climatic condition, making it ideal for Munich's weather patterns. The limestone panels are suitable for interior and exterior settings, allowing for seamless transitions.

Natural stone requires no energy to transform and very little energy to quarry and fabricate; it can be 100% recycled to aggregate, gravel or brick.

Stone has a low level of embodied carbon as well as operational carbon since natural stone-clad buildings require 30% of the energy to heat and cool compared to glass facades.

Natural stone’s durability and ease of maintenance give it an extended lifecycle; as does the graceful aging of stone-clad buildings.

Sustainable Practices

The Siemens building complex is one of Europe's most sustainable headquarters. Compared to the previous structure, the Siemens HQ consumes 90% less energy and 75% less water. This is mainly due to innovative building systems which regulate temperatures, ventilation, and lighting to create a healthy and productive indoor climate.

Project Details

Location Munich, Germany
Architect Henning Larsen
Year 2016
Area 73,000 m2
Client Siemens Real Estate
Product Used Hofmann limestone panels

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