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Vistosi Catalog

The Murano glass creations by Vistosi represent the splendid meeting point between the principles of the most innovative design and the secrets of the blown glass craft tradition. The pieces that come to life from the master glassmakers of the lagoon are first conceived on the tables of internationally renowned designers, continuing a tradition that began back in the sixties, thanks to Luciano Vistosi and who led the company to collaborate with designers of the caliber of Gae Aulenti , Angelo Mangiarotti, Vico Magistretti, Alfredo Chiaramonte, Marco Marin, Michele De Lucchi, Oriano Favaretto, Mauro Olivieri, Romani and Saccani Associate Architects and many others. The intuition to make glass available to design, bringing together material and thought, millenary art and creative momentum, was the basis of the success of Vistosi, rightly considered a precursor of a new era. Today this philosophy is renewed in the search for refined and unusual techniques for processing and applying materials.


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