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Baupanel System Catalog

Baupanel® is a group of companies that was born in Spain in mid-2003, created by a core of professionals with extensive experience in the field of construction, technology and industrial processes. Our goal: to develop an effective construction system that reduces the cost and time of execution. And that at the same time increase the structural quality and the thermal and acoustic insulation of the buildings. With these premises and after several years of research and development the construction system Baupanel was born. Currently BAUPANEL® in Spain is one of the best solutions for compliance with the Technical Building Code. Baupanel® collects more than 32 years of experience in pre-industrialized systems and consolidates them into a refined product, that during the last years has spread like a valuable alternative in the sector of the industry of the construction, with presence in all the national territory and a progressive international expansion. Baupanel® aims to provide a constructive solution based on traditional materials such as: steel, expanded polystyrene and concrete. These materials guarantee us in a single product, an enormous structural capacity, together with an excellent thermal behavior


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