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Saunier Duval Catalog

Leaders in HVAC products and systems thanks to the Instal XPERT installers network and the more than 1,000 Official Technicians at your disposal to offer the best product with the best service. www.instalxpert.com Saunier Duval is part of a multinational business group, which leads in Europe the supply of intelligent climate control systems for domestic comfort. Saunier Duval is the manufacturer that has developed the first mixed gas boiler, the sealed boiler, the pilotless heater, the direct condensing wall boiler and many other technological innovations aimed at improving aspects of economy, comfort, safety and respect for the environment. environment in heating and air conditioning products. Founded in 1907, Saunier Duval has production centers in several European countries and in China. Its commercial subsidiaries and independent distribution companies are spread over five continents. The extensive implementation of the brand in Spain with a network of more than 1,000 Official Technicians at your disposal, guarantees maximum quality and coverage both in product and service.


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